News from the Course

Dan Eagles the 12th again.

by David Ransom

Dan Adams has a liking for the 12th hole. Last Wednesday he recorded another eagle there!

After his usual monster drive he hit a 4 iron to within inches of the hole for a tap in eagle.

Well done Daniel. Another 3 balls to your account.

New banners on show.

photos by Greg Lysek

Jamberoo Golf Club has just purchased some banners to show everybody who we are!

Look out for them on special days!


by D Ransom

Congratulations to Brad Elliot. After just achieving his handicap Brad decided to play his first competition on Wedneday.


Brad was the winner with 42 points and greatly impressed his playing partners with his game.

Golflink were also impressed docking him 10 shots! It seems harsh but of course his handicap will be volatile for the first 10 rounds or so.

Well done Brad, clearly some talent there!

WGI Opening Day.

message from J O’Brien

Just a reminder about the WGI Club Committee Day next Monday 19th February at Gerringong Golf Club.

It is a shotgun start at 8:30am, so players are asked to collect score cards and directions from WGI Ladies at 8am. Teams will be allocated tees over the 18 holes, but playing only the front 9 holes or the back 9 holes.

The shorter course, named the Pink course, will be used. While it is a fun day, correct handicaps are required and will be on the score cards, ready for play Monday morning. I will check these Handicaps the night before so they will be up-to-date. If there is a change of player in a team, would you let me know before the day please, if possible?

Players will be advised their starting tee at registration. It is expected that everyone will be in the Club house by 11am. This will allow time for

recuperation, open discussion, presentation, before lunch at about midday.

# # If adverse weather, the socialising, discussion and lunch will still go ahead from 11am.

Should be a good day – See you on Monday.

Kind Regards

Catherine Pank

Events Coordinator

Women’s Golf Illawarra

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