News from the Course

Upcoming Events over the New Year

With Xmas upon us it is worth noting that the course will be closed on Christmas Day.

However on Boxing Day a medley Stableford will be held so that you can put to use those new Xmas golf clubs and/or equipment that Santa so genorously left under the tree!

On Saturday 3oth of December a special end of year team event will be held. A 666 Countdown. More news and rules as we get closer to the day.

On Sunday 21st of January a special shirt presentation will be made to the 2024 Pennant teams with a bbq and maybe a short game of golf.

Finally, on January 27th, a 4 person Ambrose event will be held with a shotgun start at 8 am.

This is our annual Memorial Day in memory of those members who have passed on to play golf on a higher plane.

After the game a BBQ will be held and the 2023 Mens Presentation of Awards will take place.

Be Sunwise

Hot sunny days are expected over the Xmas /New Year period and the sun is strong enough to damage unprotected skin throughout the day. Playing golf in extreme heat can also increase the risk of heat-related illness.

Here are four ways to manage the risks of UV overexposure and heat illness:

  1. Monitor the daily UV Index and temperature for your location.
  2. Players should protect their skin in five ways (Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide).
  3. Please be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat illness, such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue and weak, rapid pulse.     
  4. Take appropriate action to prevent heat illness, such as drinking plenty of water, wearing loose-fitting clothing and taking regular breaks in the shade.
  5. Members and visitors are advised to take precautions to protect themselves from the effects of UV radiation and heat illness.

Football Pump

The battery we use to run our ball compressor is “tiring”.

If anyone has an old MGI cart battery (or similar) that they are not using it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate it to the club.

Please see Rod Hodkinson if you have any questions or have one we could use.

8 thoughts on “News from the Course

  1. Hi Rod ….Dropped off a Battery and charger that may be useful for your footgolf balls.
    You maybe able to put it to good use..

  2. Hi there…Just a quick question on the “Rules for 666 Countdown” on Saturday 30 th December?

  3. A general comment on to-days competition round.
    My playing partners played the game in high spirits and in my opinion the correct way: when we achieved the highest score on a particular hole the other members of our group picked up and we all proceeded to the next hole. The format of to days event resulted in the slowest round of golf I have experienced at Jamberoo in all my membership years approximately 4 hours and 49 minutes. Although I enjoyed the company of my fellow players Jamberoo has lost my support for this type of event.

    Pat Paris

    1. A shame Pat. These events are only played once a year at best. Apparently some teams took it way too seriously. On a more considered note, this round should have taken less time than a normal stableford with all players playing from the best of the tee shots. The last two groups got around in about 3 hours 15 mins playing later in the day with no body in front of them as an example. One asks why it was slow? I believe it comes down to a combination of reasons: a new game never played before with a misunderstanding of how to proceed quickly, your position in the field with 2 renowned slow groups about 30 minutes in front of you unfortunately holding everybody behind them up (this will be referred to the match committee), the starter letting players tee off before they were scheduled and thus leading to overcrowding on the course instead of being evenly spaced (a common problem that needs intervention by the match committee again), any group that gets into trouble is thus holding up the entire field behind them. Finally a better explanation of the daily rules and how to score would assist. A pity that more didn’t take the common sense approach that your group took, many groups had all members un-necessarily putting out. Thanks for your feedback.

      1. Hi Pa5 Paris…..The reason I think for slow play is most players ( like our group) were playing the game as per the instructions “ Record EACH players Score” and this was also highlighted on the example scorecard.
        I think you are correct in saying once a low score was achieved, we should all move on to next hole…This would definitely result in faster play. This format is hard for a team of 3 and they really cannot compete fairly…I really think there will be many others possibly not playing this format in the future..

        1. Certainly Ron the instructions needed to be clearer in the way you mention. First time at this new format so we will learn from it and improve how we show people how to play and score. In my opinion it should have been quicker to play this type of round given the tee shot setup rather than the usual stableford where everybody has to play their second from where their tee shot finishes even allowing for people to putt out (as they normally would). The issue of slow play at the backend of the main group of players must therefore be due to something else. Most people said they enjoyed the day and remember it is only for one day per year if that. Thanks for your feedback.

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