Hams Day Winners

Despite the thousand degree temperature some very impressive performances were put in during today’s Ham’s Day stableford. I was lucky enough to see Scott Lacey record a birdie on the last for 5 points. Unfortunately for Scott, LIam Miners had a superb 44 points in the group just in front. WOW.

A grade winner Joel McIntosh withstood the mid-morning heat to close his round with a back nine 19 points, good enough to beat both Martin and Les on a countback. Jeff Draper hung onto third place in B grade over the fast finishing and clearly hungry Wayne Griffiths. Both were way behind Liam Miner after his major finish of 44 points.

Elijah, Jonathon and Vince fought it out in C Grade each separated by a single point.

Congratulations to our 9 winners on the day.

Players in my group were heard sadly mumbling something about tinned Spam again!

Saturday 9th December 2023 – Men’s Stableford – Hams Day Results

A Grade Winner:   Joel McIntosh  36 pts (c/b) – 1/2 Ham  2nd:   Martin Perry  36 pts (c/b) – Turkey Breast   3rd:   Les Skarratts  36 pts – easy carve leg Ham

B Grade Winner:   Liam Miners  44 pts – 1/2 Ham   2nd:   Scott Lacey  36 pts (c/b) – Turkey Breast  3rd:   Jeff Draper  36 pts (c/b) – easy carve leg Ham

C Grade Winner:  Elijah Crowe  38 pts – 1/2 Ham   2nd:   Jonathon Spears  37 pts (c/b) – Turkey Breast  3rd:   Vince Byrnes  37 pts – easy carve leg Ham

Congratulations.  All the above winners need to arrange pickup at the club at 11 am next Tuesday.

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