Jamberoo GC – Gold Medal Day

There is more to being a member of Jamberoo than just playing a round with your mates. Exciting and often free in conjunction competitions and charity events; ability to represent the club in Illawarra Pennants; Supershots, drive and pitch and nearest the pin awards in every competition and the chance to get your name onto the ‘Honour Board” for important club events and become part of Jamberoo GC history!

2023 Gold Medal Playoff.

Congratulations to our 2023 Mens Gold Medalists and Golden Putter!

The weather threatened to interupt play but most players were able to complete their rounds in relative dryness. The course was in fantastic condition with the greens superb.

The only heavy rain was for a 10 minute period around midday. The players who withdrew early missed a great day of golf obviously putting too much emphasis on weather apps, or weather in Kiama, which again proved to be wrong. All up, 75 players played in the competitions today.

In A grade, David Garcia, played a great round of golf to set up his nett score of 62 which won him the Gold Medal. The B grade gold medalist was Matthew Ross with an impressive 66 nett and the C grade Gold Medalist was Allan Wight also with a fine 66 nett.

David Garcia – 2023 A Grade Gold Medalist

The first qualifiers for the 2024 Gold Medal Playoff, and November Monthly Medalists, were Chris Leckey (A grade) with a 60 nett, Colin Van Woerkom (B grade) with a 65 nett and Phil Adams (C grade) with 63 nett.

For the information of some of our newer members, the Gold Medal is only contested once a year and is one of the Honour Board Awards available to members. If you qualify it is an achievement in itself.

Congratulations to the three 2023 Gold Medalists on grand performances.

2023 Golden Putter.

Another competition held each medal day is the best putter award. Players count their putts and record it on their scorecard. The 12 monthly winners then have the chance to become the ‘Golden Putter” in an event held in conjunction with the Gold Medal Playoff day. The ‘Golden Putter’ playoff is also held.

The 2023 Golden Putter is David Garcia who managed a phenomenal 22 putts on the day.

Ken Bradley – holding the Golden Putter Trophy.

2023 Mens Eclectic.

The Eclectic competition runs from the Club Championships until the Gold Medal Day. Results are being tabulated at the moment and the winner of the Fredericks IGA Shield will be announced next week.

Eagles spotted at Jamberoo.

At Jamberoo to score an eagle in a competition (that is 2 under par on a hole) is a fairly rare event. Last Wednesday and yesterday, eagles were achieved!

Congratulations to Daniel Adams and Andrew Ball on the achievement.

Last Wednesday it was my honour to witness Daniel score his eagle on the 12th hole. Hitting his drive around and over the ‘tree on the corner’, a 7 iron was needed to put his ball onto the green in 2 shots. A curling right to left putt found the centre of the hole for an eagle 3.

Yesterday Andrew smashed his drive over ‘that tree’ and played a hybrid club to just short of the green. A perfect chip descended into the bottom of the cup for the second eagle on the 12th in a week.

Both will receive 3 balls as a reward for playing a perfect hole.

Andrew Ball

Women’s Gold Medal Round.

With the Melbourne Cup Day to be held this Tuesday the Women’s Gold Medal Day will be played in conjunction with the Monthly Medal on Tuesday 14th of November. Good luck to all that have qualified.

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