News from the Course, 11 July

Veterans News

The fourth round of the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield competition was held at Port Kembla Golf Club on Monday 10th July. For a change the weather was bright and sunny with light winds following the weekend’s winds.

The Jamberoo team did remarkedly well on the day with their six counting scores totalling 208 points, only three points behind the home club, Port Kembla, which scored 211 points. Jamberoo has taken over the lead in the competition with a one-point lead over Port Kembla. Early season leader, Links Shell Cove, is now 32 points behind Jamberoo. This is the first time this year that any team has scored over 200 points.

In the individual competition Ken Holt came third on a countback with 37 points and four others picked up a ball in the ball comp.

The next round is at The Vale on 14th August.

Well done, Team!

Lance Fredericks

Memorial Plaques Unveiled

It is with great honour and respect that I present the new Memorial Chairs to join that of Larry Osterhaus.

The new chairs can be found on the 6th tee, 12th tee and 17th tee with Larry’s on the 5th tee.

Rest in peace my friends.

Members are notified of a slight change to the Agenda for the AGM.

Please notice a new point ‘e’.

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