News from the Course -22 Feb

Jamberoo club stubby holders prove to be a popular item.

To have a club stubby holder is a great way of showing support for your club. At just $10 each they are an excellent buy.

Use cash, EFT, or a voucher from your trophy account to purchase one, or perhaps two!

Winky the Cow

Who is this Cow and why is she winking?

Find out by looking at the picture on your Stubby holder!

Just Bathrooms 4BBB Cup.

The Just Bathrooms Cup is a 4BBB event held from January to June with one round per month. 5 of the best 6 rounds recorded by each team count for the final total.

Round 2 was played today despite the hostile weather of the morning.

The player you teamed up with in round 1 will remain your partner for the tournament. You don’t even need to play the round with your partner as we will match scores from your individual scores each round.

It is probably wise if you do team up each round, however, as it is easier to work as a team in this way.

Here are the teams with their standings after round 2

JB 4BBB CUP – round 2

Careful where you park – PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES

Members are reminded that the four car parking spaces just to the left as you turn into the Golf Club are PRIVATE spaces that belong to our neighbour. Apparently some members have been parking there recently, which causes problems. If you see any golfers parking there, please help out by telling them not to do so.

Women’s Presidents vs Captains Matchplay

In a close competition, the Captain’s team came to the fore. To show how close, 4 of the matches were squared. As well, a couple of the matches went to the 18th hole. Balls were given out to all of the Captain’s team as well as those who squared or won for the President’s team.

It was good practice for the upcoming pennant season.

Women’s Pennants start next week – good luck to all teams.

Upcoming Event:

Ovarian Cancer Charity Day – 21st March – get your team organised!

3 thoughts on “News from the Course -22 Feb

  1. G’day Dave, I was informed a while back (can’t remember by who – sorry) that we could use the private parking spaces you are referring to on a weekend as the business they belong to isn’t open on a weekend but obviously not during the week so I have used them a few times on a Saturday as a result. Could you confirm if they are off limits on Saturdays or just during the week ?

  2. I’m sorry Pete, the owner of that business has complained that they are not to be used at any time. Apparently there have been some incidents where his staff could not park and an argument ensued.
    So, I’m sorry to say, please don’t park there, even on a Saturday.

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