News from the Course

Upcoming Events.

1. Saturday 28th of January – Memorial Day. A 4 person Ambrose will be conducted as a shotgun start with two possible tee times.

The morning hitoff will be at 7.30 am. Please be at the club by 7 am.

The afternoon session will be at 11.30 am. Please be at the club at 11 am.

A bbq will be held at the conclusion of the first session and before the second session. A gold coin donation will get you a sausage sandwich. Cost of the golf will be $20.

The purpose of the day is to pay tribute to our mates who have left us in the last year. It would be appreciated that you reply to this notice with the names of those who have gone so that none are forgotten.

With any funds raised we will begin to place seats around the course in rememberance of our mates.

2. Monday 30th of January – first vets Ambrose and BBQ. The 5th Monday in January and a shotgun start will be held for this 2 person Ambrose event.

Be at the club by 7am for a 7.30 hitoff.

A free bbq and raffle will be held at the conclusion.

Cost of golf is the usual $16.

Sad Tidings

I have just been informed that another long time Jamberoo member has passed.

Warwick Tomlins left us on Tuesday 10th of January and the greatest sympathy goes to his family on this sad occasion.

Warwick’s funeral service will be held at Stan Crapps in Kiama at 10 am on Tuesday 17-1-23.

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