Ways to help your Club

Jamberoo Golf Club was founded on the principle that we all help out at the club as much as we can.

A look at the history of our club reveals this fact, http://jamberoogolf.com.au/history/. This principle still holds firmly today and is a point of difference between Jamberoo and others, giving us our special ‘village-like’ feel and sense of belonging.

Volunteers help: run the shop and start competitions; maintain our beautiful gardens, help with working bees; help serve members and guests on special function days; clean up after these events; and assist in simpler ways by using the ‘Return and Earn’ and donating proceeds to the club; or just playing in a lot of competitions. Many assist by just having a drink at the club after the game. Some even become sponsors of major events.

It is not just about playing golf, its about belonging to a special club.

Volunteer to help in the shop

The club is in desperate need of some volunteer starters to help in the shop. Perhaps, if you have a spare afternoon or morning each week, you could be of service to your club?

Full training and meal allowance available for all volunteers.

If you are available please contact the Office or Peter Young.

Help the Club by using the ‘Return and Earn’

Want to be a good role model for your children and grandchildren and help our club at the same time? Then why not use the ‘Return and Earn’ machine at the club to recycle all of those cans and bottles you use. It is an indirect and easy way to impress enviromental awareness on our offspring by being a good example.

Why not provide additional support to the club when you arrive for a game at the Roo by arriving with your cans/bottles and putting them into the machine and donate the proceeds to the club?

Help maintain a garden

The beautiful gardens you see around the course don’t just pop up on their own. We have a dedicated crew of volunteer members that looks after them.

Why not join them and add your input to the gardens around the club?

Pam Middlebrook would love to hear from you. Ask at the Office or to Pam for how you could contribute.

Be involved by assisting around the club.

There are many ways you can contribute at the club. Perhaps you can help by using your skills to help.

An upcoming project is to repaint the outside of the clubhouse. Perhaps you could assist. Look for notice in the ‘Daily Cow’.

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers. Why not join them?

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