Women Veteran’s Hams Day

Another beautiful day greeted the Women Veterans for their annual Xmas party and Hams Day.

Competition was very tight with outstanding scoring achieved in the chase for the hams.

In the end, Rose Sheath was the first Ham winner with a terrific score of 38 points. The second Ham winner was Rhonda Mckinley with 37 points, surviving a 4 way countback over Marie Farrant, Lynne Beringer and Jennelle Anderson.

As is the custom all non-prize winning players received a ball for Xmas from the Lady Veterans Committee.

Everyone enjoyed a lovely lunch, beautiful ham and turkey salad, followed by cheesecake and ice cream. Lorraine’s daughter Wendy and granddaughter Hollie plus Marg Potter helped all the players have a great day.

A note from Lorraine.

Thank you Dulcie and Annette for your lovely sweets. Thank you to my daughter Wendy, Granddaughter Hollie and my friend Margaret for all your help getting the lunch ready and serving it out. Thank you to all who helped clear up.

As this is the last vets day for the year I would like to thank you all for your support and help through the year. I know it is early in the month.

Merry Christmas 🎄 and a happy new year to you all.

Lorraine 🏌️‍♀️

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