Womens Open Day 2022

A great day weather wise was enjoyed by all for the eventual playing of the 2022 Open Day. It was well worth the wait.

Welcome to all of our visitors. I’m sure you enjoyed the day on our beautiful course and we look forward to having you back in future days to celebrate golf with us at Jamberoo.

A special thank you to Vivienne Marris, of Elders Real Estate Jamberoo, our kind sponsor and great supporter of the club.

The popular format today was a 2 person Ambrose and was enjoyed by all.

Well played to all competitors and congratulations to the winners on the day. As you can see the scores were very close indeed.


Gross Winners – Kelley Greaves & Kay Brennan 77 scr.

Nett Winners – Rhonda McKinley & Wendy Unsworth 69.5 nett

Gross R/Up – Jill Van Der Kooi & Pennie Conlon 79 scr. c/b

Nett R/Up – Lyn Sheehan & Karen Ryan 69.5 nett

Nett 3rd – Lorraine Southwell & Lorraine Knight 70 nett

Nett 4th – Lynne Adams & Leonie Williams 71 nett

Ball Winners – Gail Rutledge & Shirley Dixon; Kerry Michie & Lynne Beringer; Gloria Thompson & Kim Oborn; Marie Farrant & Barbara Costello.

Longest Drives – Kelley Greaves, Rhonda McKinley, Rose Sheath

Straightest Drives – Kelley Greaves, Lorraine Knight , Tracey Watson

Thanks for everyone who assisted with the running of the day. Your support was most appreciated.

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