GET INTO GOLF – for women

The latest GIG at Jamberoo GC has been completed with 14 women learning the ‘tricks of the trade’. Over the six weeks the clinic has focused on driving, chipping, putting and sand bunker shots. The last two weeks the players have been able to play a few holes and understand the etiquette and rules of the game.

Four women have applied to join the club and we look forward to seeing them on the course gaining their handicap cards. We also hope to see them at “Champagne 9” at 1pm on a Saturday.

A special thanks goes out to Geoff Wilson (Community Coach) for providing the opportunity for people to learn, practice and fine-tune their skills in a friendly environment.

I also want to thank the members who assisted at the clinics to make it a very social experience.

Unfortunately, the next clinic will not be until the new year.

Pam Middlebrook

President of Jamberoo Women’s Golf Club

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