No Carts Monday

No Carts Monday.

Heavy overnight rain has freshened up an already wet course and unfortunately we will not be able to allow motorised vehicles on Monday.

The first of the Monday raffles will still be held as will the competition.

A decision will be made on Monday about carts for Tuesday.

Temporary Local Rules from Monday

Until further notice and until we have a dry course it seems sensible to allow 30 cm preferred lies in the fairways and rough.

A ball may be cleaned when you lift it according to this rule.

Please keep Golf Carts and Motorised one-person Ride-on Buggies away from wet areas of the course and at least 5 metres from the greens when they are allowed back.

Mens Pennant Nominations 2023

The 2023 GolfNSW (Illawarra) Pennant season will be played in February and March.

We have entered teams into the B Pennant (GA handicap greater than 5.5), the C Pennant (GA handicap greater than12.5) and the White Horse Cup (max GA handicap of 24.4).

It is time to consider if you are available for any of these teams.

Please place your name, contact phone number and shirt size on the sheet in the golfshop.

We are extremely interested in any member keen to represent their club regardless of experience.

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