New Women’s Champions Crowned.

Conditions in the third round were difficult with all 4 seasons seemingly making an appearance on the day. It was very exciting given the final day pressure, the fast greens and the closeness of scores. Well played to all of our competitors.

Congratulations to the 2022 Women’s Club Champions.

A Grade Champion is Elizabeth Armstrong who was able to defend her hard won 2021 title improving her total score by 23 shots on last year. Well played Liz.

Pam Middlebrook and Shirley Dixon fought hard for second place with Pam eventually winning by 1 shot. Shirley ended up as the Nett winner.

B Grade Champion is Shirley Walsh who overcame a determined last day surge by Lyn Kuskey to win by 2.

Margaret Cook was the nett winner with a final score of 246.

C Grade Champion is Kim Oborn who was put to the test by Cheryl Legge eventually winning by the solitary shot, 359 to 360. A great effort by both.

C Grade Nett winner was Gloria Thompson on 230.

Well played to all competitors. Certainly the struggle of playing in a championship under very difficult conditions was a very worthwhile experience.

Congratulations to our 2022 Champions.

Full Gross Results

Full Nett Results

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