Rain, Rain go away!

Its back and the starter has called off play at the course for the weekend. Travel to the course from the east is hampered and water has come onto the course from Hyams Ck.

Competition play for Monday and next week is extremely doubtful under the present conditions.

Inspections will be held Monday morning and decisions about playability, or lack thereof, will be decided upon then.

Judging by what I have seen today, it is unlikely that play will be likely until at least later in the week. Certainly the use of motorised carts will be restricted.

Kingsford Nine

We were able to complete a week of Kingsford Nine rounds during the week and the results were sent off to Golflink where they appear as an “unattached nine-hole score” in your records. When you complete another nine holes then Golflink will combine them to make a full 18 and use them to handicap.

It will also automatically give you an entry in the ‘Play9’ draw for tickets to the Australian Open.

Jeff O’Brien was this week’s winner with 16 points.

The interesting thing that I noticed about handicaps is that, as the front-nine holes has its own official slope rating, it carries its own allocation of shots and you might not get shots you get on the full 18 hole course.

Views of the Course

I refuse to show ‘wet-course’ photos.

Here are some for us to enjoy of finer times.

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