2022-23 Fees at Jamberoo Golf Club

A big thank you goes out to our members for their patience and understanding during the worst ever flooding experienced by the club. Three inundations within a month was too much for the course to handle and it has taken great effort from our greens team to get the course back to looking like a golf course. Many people have congratulated their efforts as illustrated in a recent comment by member Ron Hewson.

I recently had 2 rounds on the shortened course after it had been opened up and it is an absolute credit to Nick and his Green Staff for their efforts over the last couple of months to get the course back to some sort of normality after the recent record rainfall. Sometimes their efforts go unrecognised and the hard work put in by these people should be highly commended.
A personal thank-you from myself and here’s hoping for some clear drying weather to fully reopen the remaining holes and ask that our members patronise our club during this transitional period back to having it fully playable.

Ron Hewson, member

Cart usage was almost possible last Saturday and without the heavy rainfall this week we may well have had the course just about fully playable. The collapsed bank in front of the 16th green will be an issue and will become an excluded no-entry zone while it is repaired. Entry to this area will result in immediate disqualification.

A drop zone will be set up for use if your ball goes into this excluded area.

Also once carts are allowed back on the course they will not be allowed over the bridge at 16. Park before the bridge and walk to the 16th green and 17th tee.

New Membership fees announced for 2022-23

Jamberoo Golf Club will remain the best valued golf club in the district after it was announced last Monday that the annual fees will be set at $620 which is only a 3.3% rise on last year’s fees. This is well below the CPI rise for the last year of 5.1%.

The fees become payable on May 31.

Membership Invoices are available at the club.

Quite a few members have requested that the balance of their trophy account be taken from their fees and if you wish this then please inform the Office as you pay. [*some have already been deducted automatically]. The ball credits at $2.50 per credit can also be used to reduce your final membership fee amount.

2 thoughts on “2022-23 Fees at Jamberoo Golf Club

  1. Hi I’m wondering if the golf club has bank deposit details so that I can pay my fees? Regards, Gillian Burton – Taylor ________________________________

    1. Hi Gillian. I am not sure if we keep details such as these. Please phone the Office on 4236 0291 to make arrangements. Regards

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