This morning at the Course

Photos taken this morning – the water seems to be staying in its banks which gives me hope that provided we don’t get any more rain the worst may have passed.

Other reports are that the course is still very muddy and soft. A good drying wind certainly would help.

No golf I’m afraid this weekend.

2 thoughts on “This morning at the Course

  1. I think we are at the stage of exploring the funding costs of creating Australia’s first synthetic golf course. YIG

    On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 12:30 PM The Jamberoo Golf Club Daily Cow wrote:

    > davidransom1 posted: ” Pictures thanks to Bob Anderson Photos taken this > morning – the water seems to be staying in its banks which gives me hope > that provided we don’t get any more rain the worst may have passed. Other > reports are that the course is still very” >

  2. Hi, Sorry the Blue Haven girls couldn’t make it last night We are happy to try to arrange other days Will be in touch Thank you Sharyn

    Sent from my iPhone


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