New ‘Mystery Nine’ Competition

A ‘Mystery Nine’ competition will be held in conjunction with each Wednesday Stroke event in 2010 commencing Wednesday 17 March.

The Match Committee will draw the nine holes to apply (with a different nine each month) and the nine  scores for each entrant will be totalled and a net result determined by deducting half the entrant’s handicap. Ties will be decided by a countback.

There will be a $1.00 entry fee for those wishing to participate in the Mystery Nine competition. The Westpac Bank has kindly agreed to donate six balls for each competition.

As it will take extra time to process and calculate the results for this competition, the winner may not be available for a day or two after the event.

Lance Fredericks


One thought on “New ‘Mystery Nine’ Competition

  1. The New “Mystery Nine” comp is a great suggestion sent in by a member of the Jamberoo Golf Club. Lets hope more members will send in other great ideas that will improve our ongoing activities within our club.
    Well done
    PS Love the Recent Posts.

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