Final White Horse Cup match for 2013


At Moss Vale v Shellcove Links

By Team Captain Michael Carr

THE Grange won the wooden spoon after a 5-0 drubbing at the hands of Port Kembla who qualified for the final edging out Sussex Inlet.

Jamberoo’s performance left something to be desired going down to a ruthless Shell Cove Links team 3.5-1.5. This defeat requiring a mea culpa from the skipper for giving the team the wrong starting time of 7-30 instead of the correct time of 9-00am.

Notwithstanding the stuff up of the hit off time the team’s performance bordered on the abysmal with Rip [ Steve Rippon] going down 5/4, Mr Reliable Griffo [Wayne Griffiths] going down with the same score and Andrew “Crash” Craddock walking off the course with his tail between his legs having received a trouncing of 4/3. The Big Fella who hits the ball further than most people go on holidays should have left all his clubs bigger than a 6 iron at home and may have avoiding the lumberjacking required if you stray from the fairway on this course!

Tony McRae finally broke his drought to have a good win 3/2 having given his opponent 4 shots.

Skipper Carr was 4 down with 5 to play and looked like having an early shower, but somehow managed to avoid the trees on the last five holes to square the match for the second time running at the 18th.

A long season but Jamberoo finished mid field and hopefully will build into match winners next year.


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