White Horse Cuppers have Shellharbour win

Report by team captain Mick Carr


Round 8 v Russell Vale at Links Shellcove

JAMBEROO avoided the wooden spoon at the Links Shell Cove on Sunday 24 March when we defeated game opponents Russell Vale 3-2.

In searing heat and humidity Mr Rippon went down 3/2 after starting badly when an unsighted crow stole his ball on the first hole followed by his much younger opponent having a propensity for sinking 20 foot putts for birdies on the par threes.  But he struggled on to get back into the game only to falter on the 16th to go back to the clubhouse. The consensus being if you push a 40kg bag and buggy round this course you are bound to lose!

Mr O’Hare appeared to be cruising to victory but the terrain and heat got the better of him walking off 2 down at the 17th – good effort really.

“Mr Reliable” Griffo came storming back into favour to qualify for the last round at Moss Vale by winning well 4/3.

Warren Joannou beat his opponent with no shots given or taken winning 3/2.

The “Big Fella” or “Crash” Craddock whooped his opponent 5/4 after demoralising the Willie Nelson lookalike Vic who had to give Andrew 7 shots on this monster of a course.

First place in the division is up for grabs with the favourites Sussex Inlet going down to Wollongong so it’s down to the wire at Moss Vale the week after Easter.

Congrats to Jamberoo’s B Pennant side for their win – got one at last.

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