News and Views 28 September

2nd green garden 2

Upcoming Major Event

The Men’s Championships commence on Saturday October 12 and are played over 4 consecutive Saturday rounds concluding on November 2.

The format is of course stroke with the best overall gross total score in each grade becoming the champion of that grade.

Grades are: A, handicaps of 13 and below, B, 14 to 19 and C, 20 to 36.

Overall nett winners, gross and nett runners up prizes in each grade will also be awarded.

For each Saturday a separate competition will be held with prizes as usual.

Mens Handicap Matchplay Final

2019 finalists, Ron and Col 1

In a quality match befitting a final Col Booth has triumphed over Ron Hewson 4/3.

The standard of play was of the highest order with both players shooting well under their handicaps. Birdies galore were to be had on the freshly renovated greens.

The game was played in great spirit between two fantastic sportsmen. Ron although disappointed should not be as he gave it all he had and just happened upon a player who was really on his game on the day. You can only play to your best and Ron certainly did so.

Colin, still fresh from his Irish adventure, was very appreciative of the honour associated in winning the title and especially complimentary of his opponent Ron.

Congratulations gentlemen on a fantastic final.

Today’s Results

To commemorate the playing of the first golf shots on the Jamberoo Golf course in 1980 today an American Foursomes team event was played.

The winners were Geoff Wilson & Phil Hahn with 63.5 nett  2nd:  Craig Thompson (Links Shell Cove) & Jake Henderson 65 nett   3rd:  Les Farkas & Reece Martens  65.375 nett

Overall 44 teams enjoyed their day on the sandy greens (just like in the original years of the course) and were certainly challenged by the conditions, which, it must be said, were surprisingly good. A fun day was had by all.

2 thoughts on “News and Views 28 September

  1. Thanks Dave for the kind words..COL was a thorough gentleman and a deserved winner..As you said, you can only do your best. Thoroughly enjoyed the match play competitions.

    1. Congratulations to you Ron, a finalist in both competitions this year. Come and play pennants with us next year!

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