News & Views 19 September

Course gets a much-needed drenching

Well as you are undoubtedly aware the rain has hit Jamberoo with a vengeance disrupting our plans for the greens renovations. The renovations have been postponed to next Thursday and Friday the 26th and 27th of September. This will mean that the course won’t be open for golf on these days.

Play it as it Lies

The Ladies played their Foursomes Championships on Tuesday in the deluge. Congratulations to all contestants for completing their rounds in most unfavourable conditions.

After the regulation 27 holes two teams were tied on 143 and had to leave the shelter of the clubhouse and venture outside for a playoff.  Judi O’Brien & Nicole Woolley were the successful team on the first playoff hole over the gallant Jenelle Anderson & Marie Farrant.

The team of Linda McGlinchey and Kelley Greaves had an interesting occurrence on the 12th hole. Linda hit her tee shot well and thought that it had passed to the left of that menacing tree on the corner. Walking up the fairway the ball was nowhere to be found until Kelley looked in the tree.

As it was Kelley’s turn to play Linda suggested she play it where it lies!

Linda and that ball
Linda showing Kelley the ball. She was glad it was Kelley’s turn next!

Magpies are Nesting

Swooping occurs for around six weeks around September. Only a few magpies see people as a threat. Most will not swoop you. Magpies see cats, dogs and other magpies as intruders – it’s not just people they swoop.


Australian Magpies, Cracticus tibicen are very widespread and live in suburbs where there are trees and adjacent open areas such as lawns, golf courses and playing fields. For most of the year, Magpies are friendly and sociable, and may even venture into your golf cart to beg for food. But for four to six weeks a year during August to September, the male Magpie will defend his home vigorously.

Male Magpies swoop people because they are protecting their chicks, but also because the person walking or riding by reminds the bird of someone who disturbed them in the past. Magpies have very long memories.

Magpies build their nests in the outer branches of a tree, up to 15 m above the ground. It is constructed from sticks and twigs (occasionally wire), with a small interior bowl lined with grass and hair.

There are a lot of simple things you can do to avoid being swooped by a protective Magpie dad defending his chicks, such as:

  • Walk quickly and carefully away from the area and avoid walking there when Magpies are nesting.
  • Make a temporary sign to warn other people.
  • A Magpie is less likely to swoop if you look at it. Try to keep an eye on the Magpie, at the same time walking carefully away. Alternatively, you can draw or sew a pair of eyes onto the back of a hat, and wear it when walking through the area. You can also try wearing your sunglasses on the back of your head.
  • Wear a bicycle or skateboard helmet. Any sort of hat, even a hat made from an ice cream container or cardboard box, will help protect you.
  • Carry an open umbrella or a stick or small branch above your head but do not swing it at the Magpie, as this will only provoke it to attack.

Most Magpies don’t swoop people. Females don’t swoop at all because they are busy sitting on the eggs, and only 12% of male Magpies are aggressive. These few males only swoop for six weeks while their chicks are in the nest. Understandably, these dads are just being protective of their babies.

For the rest of the year, people are completely safe from swooping Magpies!

There is a lot to love about these distinctive Australian birds.

Magpies are intelligent birds and full of character. They learn quickly if they are in a safe environment and not likely to be threatened by humans. When this happens, it is a real treat and joy to watch them and their antics on the course, and listen to their melodious calls.

The Magpies’ appetite for eating the insects on the fairways makes them great buddies as they will help keep the bug numbers down naturally.

Welcome to the Jamberoo family to our newest members.

Its great to welcome you to our club: Garry Harman, Kelley Greaves, John Holloway, Gideon Bromwich, Christopher Josevski , Daniel Josevski, Alan Alhovirta, Kenneth Mann, Jane Hartley, Wayd Sheridan and Dane Edwards.

At Jamberoo Golf Club take advantage of all the benefits of your membership, including access to all club competitions and unlimited use of the course for practice and social golf.

Jamberoo Golf Club is just 30 minutes south of Wollongong nestled in the lush, green, Jamberoo Valley and embraced by Hyam’s Creek and the Minnamurra River.

It was designed to suit all levels of golfing skills while allowing players to experience the natural beauty of its location with its stunning rural, bush and mountain views. Wildlife abounds with some 96 native bird species identified on course, friendly Eastern Water Dragons and more.

Click here

Enjoy your time with us.

Safety on the course

Golf is by nature an individual sport. While many play recreationally and socially with friends or colleagues it remains a game that you control every time you take a swing. When it comes to safety on the golf course, however, it takes the collective effort of everyone in your group, as well as all others on the course, to minimize risk and avoid injury.

There are several things to keep in mind that will always allow you to stay safe on the course, relating to both the game itself and how you prepare yourself for the round.

Be Ready for the Round

  • Taking care of yourself before and during your day at the course can help keep you safe so you avoid injury. A full 18 holes can take a few hours to complete and being outside exerting energy for that long can be gruelling. Make sure to protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen and a hat. Be sure to bring water or energy drinks and snacks with you so you can refuel as necessary.
  • Hydrating along the course is essential for keeping your energy level up and your risk of injury down. Before you head out to tee off on the first hole, you will want to stretch out your legs and back and get your heart rate going. This allows you to keep from overexerting and pulling a muscle when taking a swing.

Awareness on the Course

  • Safety also involves being aware of fellow golfers in your group, as well as those who are playing ahead, behind, and on holes to either side.
  • Make sure that nobody is close by when you are taking practice swings or getting ready to hit your shot. At the same time, remain focused when others in your group are getting ready to hit their ball, so you do not get hit by the club during the swing or the ball.
  • When it is your turn, pay attention to the group ahead of you and wait until they are a safe distance away. If your ball should happen to veer toward another golfer or group, yell ‘FORE’ to alert them. In fact, at Jamberoo, if your ball is headed towards another fairway always call “FORE’ just in case, as your view maybe obscured by the trees.
  • It is also important to obey all rules related to golf carts and to practice basic driving safety. For example, only drive straight up and down hills, and slow the cart when approaching a turn or bank and over bridges. Never have more than two people in a cart at any one time and don’t drive your cart within 5 metres of a green.
  • All members should ensure that children or others searching for golf balls are told that they are in danger and that they are in fact trespassing on Private Property. Ask them to leave immediately.
  • Pay attention to the weather so you do not get caught unprepared in rain or a thunderstorm while out on the course. If you consider conditions so bad that you cannot proceed then mark your ball and come off the course until the day is cancelled or the weather improves allowing for a recommencement.

Precautions in case of lightning: If lightning is imminent seek shelter when needed. The responsibility rests with the player to either stop play, after first marking your ball, and to then to seek shelter immediately or leave the course until you are satisfied that it is safe to resume play.

Social Play and Footgolf

Visiting Golfers – Please ensure you always follow safe golfing practices by ensuring the group in front of you is well out of range before you play your shot. Call ‘FORE’ if your ball is headed off line at another golfer or footgolfer. At times there will be footgolfers about so please treat them with the same courtesy as you would expect yourself. Be aware of their presence and the possibility of them being on the same hole as you are playing.

Understand that in sharing the course with footgolfers while you may have “Right of Way” that this does not infer a licence for dangerous play.  Both parties need to be respectful and aware of their position and surroundings.

Footgolfers – If you hear the word “FORE” yelled out then immediately take cover, duck and guard your head with your arms, a stray ball is quite likely heading towards you.

Latest Results

They say, “You don’t have to be stupid to play golf in the rain and/or wind but it certainly helps”. This week that adage was certainly put to the test!

Wednesday 18th September 2019 – Men’s Stableford inc Just Bathrooms Mystery 9 

Winner:  Alan Jones  37 pts   2nd: Daniel Adams  35 pts

Mystery Nine (2,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,17) Winner: Daniel Adams 21

Tuesday 17th September 2019 Ladies Foursomes Championships 27 holes

Gross Winners:   Judi O’Brien & Nicole Woolley   143 (Playoff)   Runner’s Up:  Jenelle Anderson &  Marie Farrant 143

Nett Winners: Kay Brennan & Shirley Walsh   113.125   Runner’s Up:   Pam Middlebrook & Shirley Dixon   117.25

Monday, 16th September 2019 Veterans – Stableford 

Winner George Goor 41 Pts 2nd Greg Seymour 38 Pts 3rd Phil Hahn 38 Pts (c/b)

Saturday 14th September 2019 Men’s Monthly Medal – Stroke

Medal Winners

A Grade: Pat Paris 64 nett

B Grade:  Col Booth 65 nett

C Grade:  Graham Carroll 66 nett

D Grade: Jeff Hammersley  62 nett

Stroke Results

Winner:  Jeff Hammersley 62 nett   2nd: Pat Paris 64  nett   3rd:  Col Booth 65 nett (c/b)  4th: Daniel Adams 65  nett   5th:  Graham Carroll 66 nett

Gross Winner: Steve Rippon 70 gross

Putting Winner: Pat Paris 24 putts

Ladies Stableford Winner:   Jenelle Anderson  36 pts

Friday 13th September 2019 Kingsford Nine

Winner: William Perry 16 pts




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