September Monthly Medal

Hole 1 .5

The postponed September Monthly Medal will be played this Saturday with play from the Blue tees.

Don’t forget to count your putts as the member with the least amount of putts will progress to the “golden putter” playoff in November which will be held alongside the “gold medal” playoff.

The “gold medal” playoff is contested from among all the monthly medalists of the preceding twelve months in each grade. It is one of our Honour Board events and after the Club Championships the most prestigious and attracts a trophy at presentation.

After 10 rounds the following members have qualified (some have even qualified multiple times and in more than one grade):

A Grade             B Grade                C Grade              D Grade

S Rippon              J Henry                 L Fogarty             L Farkas

C Kiayias              L Kent                  K O’Rourke         C Struck

W Arnott              B Underwood      L Fogarty             D Roberts

A Smith                B Nicoll                 R Sheehan            N Beringer

G Seymour         W Griffiths           V Brynes               P Wheatley

T Panecasio        P Tucker               P Adams               R Weir

C Kiayias             D Campbell         P Wheatley           R Martens

W Arnott             P Francis              P Green                 J Robb

P Paris                 W Little                 L Young              G Boxsell

W Arnott             A Ball                     R Anderson         L Walton

With only September and October to go final places are surely set to be strongly contested. Play well all.

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