News and Views – 26 July

Vets Tournament gal30
Crossing at the 16th

Upcoming Events

Mens Matchplay continues

Thursday August 1 – Lady Veterans Open – 4BBB Stableford

Tuesday August 1 – Dena Kyle Trophy

Sunday September 8 – Jamberoo Mens Open

Tuesday September 17 – Ladies Foursomes Championship

October 12 – Mens Championships commence

jamberoo badge icon



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of members of the Jamberoo Golf Club Limited will be held in the club rooms on Wednesday 21st August 2019, commencing at 7 pm.


(a)      To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Jamberoo Golf Club Ltd held on 22nd August 2018.

(b)     To receive and consider the Report of the Board.

(c)      To receive and consider the Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure Statement and Report of the Auditors.

(d)     To declare and confirm the Board for the ensuing year.

(e)      To deal with any other business brought forward in accordance with the Club’s Articles of Association.

By Order of the Board

Geoff Wilson

Hon. Secretary

A full version of the annual report can be obtained from the club offices in electronic form.

Welcome to our Newest Members

At the last Board meeting the following were accepted as members of Jamberoo Golf Club.

Kaitlyn Dorahy; Ryan Dorahy; Nick Goodger (yes that’s our GK); Manocher Haghighat; Brad Wooley; Steve Wicks.

In the previous month we welcomed: Lyn Finch: Ross Graham; Colin Harris; Glen Lemass; Jim Nastovski; Greg MacDonald.

Welcome to the Jamberoo family.

Latest Results

The wind has settled and the course has dried giving plenty of run on the firm fairways. The greens are rolling true and fast. Perfect conditions for some to shoot impressive scores. Congratulations to those who managed stableford scores in the 40’s. It has been a while since we have seen any of these. Also well played to Judy Casey and Marie Rodgers with a terrific team score of 47 on Tuesday.

Say hello on the course!

Wednesday 24th July 2019 – Men’ Stableford 

A Grade Winner:   Pete Munro 40 pts

B Grade Winner:   Ian Lewis 40 pts   2nd:   Gus O’Brien (Kiama GC) 38 pts

C Grade Winner:   Dennis Thomas  43 pts

D Grade Winner:   Richard Bremner 36 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 23rd July 2019 – Ladies 4BBB Stableford

Winners:   Marie Rodgers & Judy Casey   47 pts

Runners Up:   Marie Farrant & Nicole Woolley   44 pts

3rd:   Sue Paul & Rose Sheath   43 pts

Special Results GNSW Bowl Winners:  Jenelle Anderson & Kelley Greaves

Ladies 9 Hole Stableford Competition Winner:   L Tomlins  11 pts   Runner Up:   K Crawford  11 pts (c/b)

Saturday 20th July 2019 – Men’s Stableford

A Grade Winner:   Wayne Arnott 36 pts (c/b)   2nd:   George Vlatko   36 pts

B Grade Winner:   Steve Oppert 39 pts   2nd:   Shane Townsend 37 pts

C Grade Winner:   Mark Fisher 40 pts   2nd:   Les Hanigan 39 pts

D Grade Winner:   Bob Crooks 37 pts

Ladies Stableford Winner:     Kristina Griffiths (KGC) 34 pts

Friday 19th July 2019 Kingsford Nine

Winner:   Bruce Piggott 18 pts



One thought on “News and Views – 26 July

  1. Thanks Dave. Another great newsletter. Geoff W.

    On Fri, 26 Jul 2019 at 15:54, The Jamberoo Golf Club Daily Cow wrote:

    > davidransom1 posted: ” Upcoming Events Mens Matchplay continues Thursday > August 1 – Lady Veterans Open – 4BBB Stableford Tuesday August 1 – Dena > Kyle Trophy Sunday September 8 – Jamberoo Mens Open Tuesday September 17 – > Ladies Foursomes Championship October 12 – Mens Cham” >

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