News From the Course – 28 April

The successful 2015 Ladies Gold Pennant team

Ladies Pennants Commence

The 2018 Ladies Pennants have commenced with Jamberoo entering two teams, one in the Gold Pennant and the other in the Silver Pennant.

Last Monday the Gold Pennant played their first game at Highlands Golf Club and were successful winning 5 matches to nil against the strong Shoalhaven Heads club. A great start for our team.

The Silver Pennant team commence their season on the 14th of May against Port Kembla at Port Kembla.

Go the Roo!

Give me another one please!

The other week I was having a social hit with a new member. On the first he pulled out a brand new ball and hit it just short of the water. The next shot he topped straight into the creek. Out with a new ball and bang straight in the creek. Five times the same thing happened, new ball straight in the creek.

Feeling bad for the new member I gave him the suggestion, “Why don’t you use an old ball”.

The response, “I don’t have any!”

You could have knocked me down with a feather.

Rules Quiz

A triplet of questions this week.

1. Julie is taking relief from an area of ground under repair. When she drops the ball it hits her leg. What is the ruling?

A.  Julie is penalised one stroke and must play the ball as it lies

B.  Julie is penalised one stroke and must re-drop the ball

C. Julie must re-drop the ball, without penalty

2. John has a new adjustable driver and after the first hole in a stroke play competition, he adjusts the weighting to get more draw with his tee shots. What is the ruling?

A. John is disqualified from the competition whether or not he uses the adjusted driver

B. John is only disqualified if he plays a stroke with the adjusted driver

C. John is penalised two strokes on every hole that he plays with the adjusted driver

3. Bruce hits his second shot into Hyam’s Creek on the sixth hole. After correctly identifying his nearest point of relief and carefully measuring out his 2 club length drop area, he takes a drop which lands in the designated area then rolls forward nearer the hole.

How should Bruce proceed?

A. Play the ball where it now lies

B. Re-drop the ball in the designated area and play the ball from this new spot.

C. Mark the spot where the ball first touches the ground and place the ball there, then play his shot.

Answers are below

Hole of the Week

Today’s hole is the sixth named after the ‘CAMPHOR LAUREL’ that guards the green.

Take your driver and hit it 260 metres over Hyam’s Creek to the left of the Camphor Laurel tree and you will be rewarded with  a lob wedge shot to this raised green.

Most mortals will play their tee shot to the fairway and hit their approach over the large Camphor Laurel to the green from about 100 metres. Watch out for the parallel out of bounds to the right with your tee shot, or the corresponding over-correction into the trees on the left.

Hyam’s Creek grabs most balls that clatter into the Camphor Laurel tree so if the carry over the tree is too much then play to the left of the tree to give yourself a pitch shot and a chance for an up-and-down.

The green features many subtle slopes so make sure to hit your approach close to avoid that dreaded three putt!

This Week’s Results

The ‘Indian Summer’ is showing signs of leaving us with the first cold morning of Autumn felt this week. Good sized fields were still attracted to the course hoping to enjoy those last balmy days before the cold weather hits.

The golf played this week was of an excellent standard with the improved greens showing signs of firming up and rolling fast!

On Tuesday the Ladies played a stableford event with Lyn Kuskey grabbing first place in division 1 with 35 points on a countback from Pam Middlebrook. Marie Rodgers was the winner of division 2 with 34 points with Dulcie Piper being the runner up. Margaret Chaffey won the nine hole comp with 19 points.

On Anzac Day the club played a medley stableford in 4 grades. Alan Jones took out A grade with a very solid 38 points, two better than John Paul and Ken Bradley. B Grade was won by Geoff Reynolds with 38 points with Bill Little second with 37 points on a countback from Brett Fielding. C Grade saw Geoff King re-enter the winner’s list with 37 points defeating Mal Garratt by 1. Al Thrower was third on a countback with 36 points as well. Bruce Piggott was the D Grade winner with 33 points, one better than both Allan Beadling and John Keeling.

The annual President vs Captain match was held today using a 4BBB stableford format. It was a close run thing but the Captain’s team prevailed 866 points to 830 points. The best score recorded on the Captain’s team was 48 by  Laurie Walton and Hans Kaer, while on the President’s side 47 by Phil Adams and Luke Oborn.  The next best nett prize was very close with three teams finishing on 46 points. It came down to the countback over the last six holes for the prize to be awarded to Brian Underwood and Ian Bradburn with the unlucky duos being Arthur Bosanquet and Wayne Arnott and also Shane Townsend with George Vlatko. The Captain was so proud of his team that he has decided to give all team members a free beer provided they are at the club by 5.30 today.

Saturday, 28 April 2018 – President vs Captain Day 4BBB

Captain’s Team 866 points defeated President’s team 830 points

Captain’s Team Winners :  L Walton & H Kaer 48 points

President’s Team Winners : P Adams & L Oborn 47 points

Next Best Team Score : B Underwood & I Bradburn 46 (c/b)

Wednesday, 25 April 2018 – Single Stableford 

A Grade Winner   Alan Jones  38 pts,

B Grade Winner Geof Reynolds 38 pts 2nd William Little 37 pts (c/b)

C Grade Winner   Geoff King  37 pts  2nd Mal Garratt 36 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner   Bruce Piggott   33 pts

Tuesday 24th April 2018 – Ladies 18 hole Stableford

Div 1 Winner:   Lyn Kuskey 35 pts (c/b)    Runner Up:   Pam Middlebrook 35 pts

Div 2 Winner:   Marie Rodgers 34 pts   Rinner Up:   Dulcie Piper 28 pts (c/b)

Ladies 9 hole Stableford Winner:    Marg Chaffey 19 pts

Quiz Answers

1) Answer C, Julie must re-drop the ball, without penalty


Rule 20-2a Dropping and Re-Dropping – if the ball when dropped touches any person before or after it strikes the course and before it comes to rest, the ball must be re-dropped without penalty. There is no limit to the number of times a ball must be re-dropped in these circumstances.

2)  Answer B, John is only disqualified if he plays a stroke with the adjusted driver


Rule 4-2 Clubs Playing Characteristics Changed – during a round the playing characteristics of a club must not be changed. Penalty for carrying but not making a stroke with altered club in Stroke play is two strokes for each hole at which any breach occurred with a maximum of four strokes per round. If John uses the altered driver he is disqualified.

3) Answer B,  Re-drop the ball in the designated area and play the ball from this new spot unless it bounces out of the designated area again. 


Rule 20-2. Dropping and Re-Dropping

By Whom 

A ball to be dropped under the rules must be dropped by the player himself.

Where to Drop

When a ball is to be dropped as near as possible to a specific spot, it must be dropped not nearer the hole than the specific spot.

A ball when dropped must first strike a part of the course where the applicable Rule requires it to be dropped.

 It is also good to note:

When to Re-Drop

A dropped ball must be re-dropped, without penalty, if it:

(i) rolls into and comes to rest in a hazard

(ii) rolls out of and comes to rest outside a hazard

(iii) rolls onto and comes to rest on a putting green

(iv) rolls and comes to rest out of bounds

(v) rolls to and comes to rest in a position where there is interference by the condition from which relief was taken under Rule 24-2b (immovable obstruction), Rule 25-1 (abnormal ground conditions), Rule 25-3 (wrong putting green) or a Local Rule (Rule 33-8a), or rolls back into the pitch-mark from which it was lifted under Rule 25-2(embedded ball);

(vi) rolls and comes to rest more than two club-lengths from where it first struck a part of the  course; or

(vii) rolls and comes to rest nearer the hole than:

(a) its original position or estimated position (see Rule 20-2b) unless otherwise permitted by the rules; or

(b) the nearest point of relief or maximum available relief ; or

(c) the point where the original ball last crossed the margin of the water hazard or lateral water hazard (Rule 26-1).

If the ball when re-dropped rolls into any position listed above, it must be placed as near as possible to the spot where it first struck a part of the course when re-dropped.

2 thoughts on “News From the Course – 28 April

  1. captain Dave. Is there a reason why in a 4ball comp we don’t team up with a swinger if there are only three in a group? I don’t recall this format at other clubs I’ve been a member of.

    1. I have had the same experience at other clubs. It seems that traditionally this is what has always happened at Jamberoo, match up single players with single players. In the competition section in the handbook it even states this condition for a fourball at Jamberoo. On reflection I think it might have been originally designed so that entry fees match up with players entered. Food for thought. Thanks for your input.

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