News from the Course 24 March

A sad week for the club but tomorrow hopefully will bring some glad tidings with Jamberoo playing their fourth straight final in the White Horse Cup.

The final will be played at the Port Kembla Golf Club commencing about 9 am.

The opposition is the red-hot Kiama team who are defending their title and come in after mastering the Wollongong links last week with a 5-1 win over the strong Sussex Inlet team. Jamberoo conversely had a very narrow win over the gallant Highlands team needing extra holes to win 4-2.

It appears that we are the underdogs but I am sure that the ‘Cowpats’ will give a good showing and test the resolve of the Kiama team.

Go the Roo!

Ad Victoriam!

Don’t forget that volunteers are needed to help run any functions held at the club. If you  are willing to take the online examination to get your RSA then the club will support you by paying for the course.

Please contact the office if you are interested.

Rain has spoiled the Wednesday comp with only a handful of players risking the deluge to play in the chicken run. This means that only the Veterans and the Ladies managed to run comps mid-week. The Ladies played a stableford and the scoring was hot with Lisa Bell’s 40 points beating Shirley Walsh by one. In the Veterans Brian Bennett defeated Tony Dawson by one with his 41 points. Tony in turn knocked off John Pringle on a countback.

The Ladies this Tuesday are playing  their Ovarian Cancer Charity Day with a 3 person Hartball event. I’m sure it will be a very successful day with a large field expected.

Until next week.


Tuesday 20 March 2018 – Ladies Stableford  

Winner:    Lisa Bell 40 pts    2nd:    Shirley Walsh 39 pts

Ladies 9 Hole Stableford

Winner: Beverley Corfield 10 pts

Monday 19th March 2018 – Men’s Veterans Stableford 

Winner:   Brian Bennett 41 pts   2nd:   Tony Dawson 40 pts (c/b)



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