Weekly Pennant Reports

Gerringong Golf Club at sunrise
Early morning start for the B Pennant players at Gerringong.

Round 2 B Pennant report

Jamberoo B Pennant travelled to glorious Gerringong to face the undefeated Russell Vale side. Only one change from the first week with Pete Munro out due to work replaced by “the Pope” John Paul.

All of our players faced players on lower handicaps.

Pat Paris again led off and despite being 2 down with 4 to play found the magic touch with his putter to win one up. 4 one putt greens devastating his opponent.

John Paul began well and was in control early only to struggle once the winds got up. Showing true grit he knuckled down to close it out 2/1. Exorcising the demons from last year’s trip here.

Scott Hainsworth started well in his match however 4 birdies from his opponent put him under the pump. Despite trying to stay with him he went down 5/4 to a player who had it on a string.

After losing last week TP took on a 5.5 handicap player. Steady par golf saw a comfortable lead which was never headed. Tp going on to a comfortable 4/3 win.

Jarrod Gehrmann showed again why he plays at 1. His strong all round game leaving his opponent under constant pressure. Another strong 4/3 win. So the dream continues. A 4-1 victory over the division favourites. Super caddy Ray Orr again worked his magic coupled with inspirational chats to keep the lads on track.

Next week it’s off to the mountain country at Moss Vale.

Go the Roos.

Tony Panecasio

Round 2 C  Pennant Report.

Sharks take a mauling

Jamberoo 1 vs Russell Vale 4

“Home win, away loss, can we break the cycle?”

In windy conditions the “C Sharks” found the going tough today on Russell Vale’s very large and fast undulating greens.

Tom Zimmermann handled the conditions best and had a tremendous 5/4 win.

Tim Young 2 down and  Boyd Sylvester 1 down had real good chances of winning but the locals drew on their experience to get through.

Chris Leckey’s 7/5 loss and Wayne Griffith’s 8/6 loss showed how hard it was to putt today.

Next week we play a challenging match vs Port Kembla at home. Port also were beaten by Russell Vale 4-1 @ RV.

C Leckey

White Horse Cup Division 3,  ‘the flies’, had a bye and will host at home next Sunday.

White Horse Cup ‘Cowpats’ vs Bowral at Sussex Inlet – round 2

Ad Victoriam

“Friends Romans and Countrymen lend me your ears”, by the time Julius had finished his round his opponent had no ears left ,in fact there was plenty of lobes all over the course for the Roos to mix their diet.

Cowpats 5 Bowral 1

Julius had his opponent so traumatised by the second hole that as soon as he hit off he conceded and by the 14th Julius was wearing the Bowral player’s bow tie.

The two injured players from the previous week, had recovered sufficiently to make a renowned impact:

Dashing Prince Lucius won the first hole, after one of his standard ‘Fake Thrusts’ and with outstanding chipping  was soon well ahead of his opposition;

Maximus was longing for his Grapes and Spirits and after disposing of his opponent made a dash back to Rome to be entertained in Big Red Roo Style.

Arthurious 1, who was decorated during the week, tortured his opponent to achieve an impressive win.

The Bishop of Jamberoo, blessed the gathering who clapped and cheered him off the first tee, his opponent being a non-believer soon experienced the Bishops wrath.

Octavious lost last week’s winning rhythm but fought bravely in the Lion’s Den.

The Hasta Pura Award went to Maximus.

The Vexillum was bravely allocated to Prince Lucius.

And the Torc will proudly be worn by Julius.

A great win over a very competitive Bowral Team who have asked not to be drawn against the Cowpats again.


[Peter Francis , the Bishop won 6/5, Shane Townsend, Prince Lucious won 4/3, Chris Goodwin, Maximus won 8/6, Dave Ransom, Julius won 5/4, Arthur Bosanquet, Arthurious 1 won 4/3 and Col Booth, Octavious lost 3/2].

3 thoughts on “Weekly Pennant Reports

  1. Thanks Dave, It’s great you added the Latin to English translation at the end of the Cowpats victory. Makes a bit more sense. Well Done in the golf as well


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    1. Thanks Kev. As for the awards, the Hasta Pura is given to the most courageous warrior, to carry the vexillum was a great privilege given to the most worthy and it was a great honour to wear the torc taken from an honoured, vanquished foe!

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