Footgolf Update–Win News

Our technical Dept. is trying to post for all to see. If not successful you can go to . Click on Footgolf from home page. Scroll to the bottom of page and you will see it is on Facebook where you can click and view.

Amazing to think this has already been seen in 30 countries according to my information from Facebook.

Having a break from  BBQ duties over the weekend. Ladies Thank You. Homemade Rissoles with salad —so many compliments about the taste.mmmm



1ST PRIZE—Jamberoo Valley Resort. 1 nights accomodation. Rose Sheath

2nd PRIZE –6 free Golf?Footgolf games . Chris Goodwin

3Rd Prize—Nike Soccer Ball and Footgolf Backpack.

5 thoughts on “Footgolf Update–Win News

    1. Hi Michael Sheridan I’m sure Sue Paul and Chris Goodwin will just luv each other to show you his skills with the enlarged white ball. Well done with the success of promoting Jamberoo Golf Club to the international arena again.
      Cheers all.

    2. I think I could charge for this event, you are not the only one who wants to follow his Footgolf Progress. Maybe new course record!

      1. Congratulations Sue and all the ladies who assisted over the weekend. A credit to you all for the work you put in to promote Footgolf. Hard work always has its rewards…

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