News from the Course 5th November

Australian Footgolf Open


Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday this up coming week sees Jamberoo host the 2nd Australian Footgolf Open. Last year’s winner Mathias is back from Argentina and a whole host of international and home grown talent will vie for the title. Why not come along a see how the pros play the game?

Entry is free of charge.

Saturday golf will still be played but the last tee time will be 9.30 am.

Pennant Players Required

The call is out for all those who wish to represent Jamberoo in the 2018 Golf Illawarra Pennants. The nomination sheet is in the golf shop so if you are available for Sunday play from February and into March next year then put your name and details down.

Don’t leave it to the last minute as nominations close November 30th.

Support your Club

Did you know that there is a pre-Christmas sale on in your golf shop at the moment and to the end of November? Here is your chance to grab a bargain on  club badged, ‘Sporte Leisure’ shirts.

These prices will never be repeated again.

Gold Medal Playoff – November 18

The November Monthly Medal will be played at the unusual date of November 18 due to the completion of the championships and the Footgolf. This is the first of the medal rounds for the new golf season.

During this round the winners of the monthly medals from the previous 12 months in each grade playoff for the gold medal in that grade.

Check out the list on the noticeboard to see if you are involved.

 A Week to Late

Steve Oppert approached the 16th last Saturday with trepidation, the previous week’s disaster still fresh on his mind. Last week a double bogey or better would have won him the C grade championship. Steve plunked two in the drink that week to finish with a 9 and join those members who have great things ruined on this hole.

Saturday it almost got him again. The third shot in the pond then a knife over the green beyond the hill at the back and with the flag on a slope at the front he was basically ‘dead’. Not to be deterred, Steve hit the perfect shot that rolled down the hill, across the green and into the hole for an unbelievable 6.

Oh what a difference a week makes.

Presentation Day

The annual presentation day will be held on Sunday December 3.

This very important day sees both the Ladies and Gentlemen club champions presented with their trophies as well as the gold medalists, foursomes champions and other major award winners receive their accolades.

More details about the cost and venue will follow in another article.

Meanwhile please put this day down in your diary.

This Week’s Results

There was a spot or two of rain this week and the course has greened up remarkably. Further growth and I am sure we will be soon playing “as it lies” again.

The split six on Saturday was well received by members despite the unusual format and came as a break from four weeks of constant stroke play in the championships. I wonder how many friends are not talking after their 4 pointer was multiplied by their partners 0?

Hope to see you on the course next week.

Saturday 4th November 2017 – Split Six Stableford

1st:   Gary Eagleton & Bob Crooks 74

2nd:   William Little & Gary Harvey 71

3rd:   Bob Weir & Brian Nicoll 70

Ladies:  Jenelle Anderson & Elizabeth Armstrong 60

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 – Lady Veterans Stableford

Winner:  Suzanne Lang 38 Pts 2nd Faye Stanley 33 Pts 3rd Jenelle Anderson 33 Pts c/b

Hair Dressers Trophy donated by Totally Gorgeous Hair Albion Park – Suzanne Lang

Wednesday 1st November 2017 – Drummond Golf Stableford

A Grade Winner:  Greg Seymour 37 pts

B Grade Winner:  Dave Ransom 41 pts

C Grade Winner: Peter Wheatley 40 pts  2nd Place  Laurie Fogarty 39 pts

D Grade Winner:  Ray Pearson 41 pts

Drummond Golf Voucher Winner     Ray Pearson 41 pts (c/b)

6 thoughts on “News from the Course 5th November

  1. Congratulations to a all winners of the Club Championships..This time of year gets everyone talking about how each other is performing on the course…Some great shots and some that need not be talked about..I know from my own personal experiences ..but it makes for good banter on the deck after the rounds…Good commentary during the rounds also Dave….Has anyone found any Wilson Staff Balls with 4 red dots..I seem to be a few down during the last few rounds…LOL

    1. Hi Ron
      Uncle Dave is like a hawk out there especially when social players are about so just check his bag next time you see him turn his back and you too Wayne.
      Cheers all

  2. o’k all who play Jamberoo and mark there balls with a colour or mark. Just don’t use a blue marker as Uncle Dave uses green and I think he is colour blind.
    Good golfing to those who don’t use blue, sorry Wayne

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