News From The Course 7th October

Round 1 Club Championships

The championships have started and as predicted many players have put their best foot forward to lead the way in this 4 round event. As the saying goes, ‘Rome was not built in a day’, and you cannot win the championships in the first round. A good start, however, serves notice to your competitors that you are ready for the struggle!

Don’t despair if your round was not where you want it to be. You have plenty of time to make up ground and quite often, especially in the higher-handicapped grades, large comebacks are indeed possible.

Today’s outstanding round in A Grade was by Steve Rippon with a course record equalling round of 62, and leads by 10 from Mark Cassel. Steve managed to play his round in only 21 putts making up for the heavy bandaging on his right knee and left elbow. Mark also played a great round to keep himself in with a show.

In B Grade the leader is Brian Underwood with a 77. He leads by 2 from Andrew Attard. At the end of his round Brian was very excited in playing his best round at the course for several years.

The equal leaders  in C Grade are Phil Lewis, Gary Eagleton and Ron Hewson all with 84 off the stick. They lead Peter Hughes and Bill Little by 2.

D Grade has joint leaders of Norbert Beringer and Les Farkas both scoring 90 off the stick. Next best is Geoff Boxsell with a 94.

Nett leader in A Grade is Ken Bradley with 64 leading Rippon and Cassel by 1.

B Grade Nett leader is  Brian Underwood with 61 leading Peter Francis and Doug Perry by 2.

The C Grade Nett leader is  Phil Lewis with 59 3 clear of Bill little and 4 from Peter Hughes.

Nett leadership in D Grade is shared by the trio of Norbert Beringer, Les Farkas and Geoff Boxsell with 63 leading Bob Weir by 2.

With each round the pressure grows and it will be interesting to see who makes a move from the pack to put forward their challenge.

We wait with baited breath to see what the next rounds will deliver.

Ladies Fourball Matchplay Decided

2017 Matchplay Champions, Robyn and Cheryl.

Congratulations to Robyn Gregson and Cheryl Legge on their win in the final of the Ladies Matchplay. It was a very close match with opponents  Jenelle Anderson and  Shirley Dixon  playing extremely well keeping the pressure on throughout the match. On several occasions the match was all square and it was not to the back nine that Robyn and Cheryl were able to establish a lead.

In the end it came down to the 17th green where Cheryl and Robyn were able to claim the title with a 3/1 victory.

Well played to all 4 finalists and to all the ladies who entered this excellent handicap competition.

What a Hoot!

Look out for the owl that has been seen around the course, recently near the first green. It is guarding the greens keeping the Corellas off them.

Hopefully this might stop irate captains throwing clubs up trees.

Apparently the Magpies are displeased with the Owl’s appearance constantly dive-bombing it.

The Illawarra Bombora


I am emailing to inform your organisation that a new digital newspaper is going online from Wollongong next week (October 9).

The ILLAWARRA BOMBORA is a free digital paper which will be published at 4.30pm from Monday to Friday, targeting news and sport primarily in the Wollongong, South Coast and adjacent areas.

We believe that with “rationalisation of resourses” local news and sport in our area has not received adequate media coverage in recent years.

A dedicated team of professional journalists and photographers has been assembled with a mandate to remedy that situation.

As SPORTS EDITOR, I am determined to give many sports which have been largely ignored much greater exposure.

I would also ask you to inform your members of our publication and suggest they visit our website:

Yours in sport,

DAVE MURRAY, sports editor

Hole in One

Congratulations to Geoff King who aced the 9th hole today. Geoff watched with joy as his well struck 5 iron did the trick and went in for the hole-in-one.

As a memento of his perfect shot the club will have the ball he used mounted as a  trophy and reward Geoff with 6 balls.

Well played Geoff.

This Week’s Other Results

A busy week at the course with all competitions well supported.

Saturday 7th October 2017 – Men’s Stroke Golf Mart Monthly Medal

1st Round Men’s Club Championships

A Grade: Winner  Ken Bradley 64 nett

B Grade: Winner  Brian Underwood 61 nett  2nd  Peter Francis 63 nett (c/b)  3rd  Doug Perry 63 nett

C Grade: Winner  Phil Lewis 59 nett 2nd   William Little 62 nett

D Grade: Winner     Norbert Beringer 63 nett (c/b)

Best Gross    Steve Rippon 62

Hole in One 9th Geoff King

Ladies Stroke Winner   Jo Burke 73 nett

Thursday, 5th October 2017 – Lady Veterans  Stableford

Winner Cheryl Legge 38 Pts

2nd Runner Up Margaret Potter 37 Pts

3rd Runner Up Shirley Dixon 36 Pts

Totally Gorgeous Hair – Albion Park Faye Stanley

Lyn Walker presented the Gwen Barmby Trophy for Div 2 Country Championship handicap 21 to 29,  Score Plus 5 to Shirley Dixon.

Wednesday 4th October 2017 – Drummond Golf Stableford

A Grade Winner: Geoff Wilson 33 pts

B Grade Winner: Eric Nyholm 40 pts  2nd Place Ian Lewis 39 pts

C Grade Winner: William Little (Drummond Golf Voucher Winner)  41 pts

2rd Place  John Eeles 40 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner: Reg Wilson 36 pts

Tuesday 5th September 2017 – Ladies Stroke Golf Mart Monthly Medal

Div 1 Winner    Robyn Gregson (Golf Mart voucher winner) 70 nett

2nd    Marlene Trethowan 72 nett (c/b)

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1 Medal Winner    Shirley Walsh 72 Nett

Div 1 Gross Winner      Marilyn Wright 92 Scratch

Div 2 Medal Winner       Robyn Gregson 70 Nett

Div 2 Gross Winner        Robyn Gregson 96 Scratch

Div 3 Medal Winner       Marlene Trethowan 72 Nett

Div 3 Gross Winner         Marlene Trethowan 115 Scratch

Monday 2nd October 2017 – Medley Stableford

Winner   George Goor 40  pts, 2nd  John Hol 39 pts, 3rd  Mark Cassel 38 pts

One thought on “News From The Course 7th October

  1. Great up dates Dave.. Enjoy your comments about events around the course..Keeps everyone updated.. Great round Steve Rippon..Good luck to all participants in Championships..and most of all members, enjoy your game of golf..

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