News from the course – 23 September


Club Mysteriously Returns

You may recall that club captain Dave Ransom had lost his sand iron in a tree near the 7th green.

Dave insists that it was not propelled in anger except at the Corellas that had done a job on the 7th green.

Last Wednesday the birds released their hostage on the promise that Dave would not throw anything else at them. The club was found beside the palm tree and Dave would like to thank the member who found it and brought it back to the club-house.

He is still receiving counselling about anger management directed towards Corellas!

Preferred Lies

It was good to see members using the preferred lie rule on fairways after first marking their ball. Vince Brynes in fact was so taken in by following the procedure that he marked his ball, cleaned it, and then played his next shot. Unfortunately Vince had forgotten to replace his ball and only hit his ball marker!

Playing partners were suggesting that Vince use his glasses in future.

End of Levy

The 30th of September marks the conclusion of the $1 per round levy. Your contributions have paid for the new paths on the 5th, 6th and 18th holes and the purchase of “geohex’ to be used to create other pathways.

The club has applied for government funding to complete the works and we hope for a positive response to our application in December.

This week’s Competition Winners

Beautiful golfing weather has brought out the members this week with all competitions well supported.

Some of the better results were recorded by: Tony Rodriguez who picked up his Wednesday ‘pension check’ with another win in A grade, Margaret Cook continued her good form winning on Tuesday, Lisa Bell scored a great 41 points on Saturday and Gary Harvey played his best round of the year winning B grade on Wednesday with nett 60,Ian Foy cleaned up on Wednesday winning both his grade and the mystery nine and finally, what a round by Ian Martens on Saturday with a magnificent 48 points, when most others found conditions hard.

Many players have also been seen out practising, honing their game for the upcoming championships. Drummond Golf has again nominated to sponsor our championships and our club is very grateful for their support.

Saturday, 23rd September 2017 – Single Stableford

A Grade winner:  Wayne Arnott 37 pts

B Grade winner:  Greg Rodgers 41 pts  2nd:  Boyd Sylvester 40 pts  3rd:  Tom Zimmerman 39 pts (c/b)

C Grade winner:  Alvin Ray 43 pts  2nd:  Peter Hughes 40 pts

D Grade winner:  Ian Martens 48 pts

Ladies Winner: Lisa Bell 41 pts  2nd:   J Bowen (Castle Hill GC) 39 pts

Wednesday, 20th September 2017 – Mens Stroke –Including Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine

A Grade Winner      Tony Rodriguez 66 Nett

B Grade Winner      Gary Harvey 60 Nett

C Grade Winner      William Little 61 Nett   2nd Place Doug Perry 63 Nett

D Grade Winner     Ian Foy 61 Nett

Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine Winner:  Ian Foy  24.5 Nett (Holes 3,4,5,6,7,9,11,13,15 )

Tuesday 19th September 2017 – Ladies Stableford

Div 1 Winner     Margaret Cook 32 pts (c/b)  Runner Up    Shirley Walsh 32 pts (c/b)

Div 2 Winner    Cheryl Legge 38 pts  Runner Up    Lyn Walker 35 pts

Monday 18th September 2017 – Veterans Stableford

Winner: George Goor 41 pts  2nd: Phil Gosling  39 pts

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