News From The Course 1 July

Memberships Now Overdue

The membership financial year finished on May 31. The 1 month period of grace is now up so if you have not paid then you will be declared unfinancial and not allowed to play on the course until your account is settled.

There are many options for you to pay, so if you have forgotten, then please phone us or pay in person at the office or golf shop if the office is unattended. Don’t forget, you can use the balance of your trophy account to help to pay your annual fees.

Jamberoo has the cheapest annual fees of all clubs in the area, so step up and get your payment in.

New Foursomes Champions Crowned

Congratulations to Scott Hainsworth and Tony Panecasio who have won the 2017 Men’s Foursomes Championship. Their score of 118 over the 27 holes won by six from runners up Wayne Arnott and Arthur Bosanquet. Nett winners were Lance Fredericks and Phil Gosling with a score of 108.25.

“Watch Out”

Its dangerous out there, just ask John Corr! Poor John was walking away from the 16th green when he was king-hit by Don Roberts taking a swing with his putter after several putts on the tricky 16th green. The question is, was it an accident, or was Don trying to take out one of his opponents in their match?

The good news is that John kept playing despite the wound to the back of his head! Now that is a trooper.

Scott Hainsworth, didn’t see it coming.

In a further incident perennial people hitter, Tim Young has done it again. This time he hit Scott Hainsworth on the leg as he was walking up to the 17th green in the foursomes championship. The injury didn’t stop the ‘Hain-train’ as he and partner Tony Panecasio went on to par the 17th and 18th holes to close out the championship.

Finally the golf ball retriever has been renamed.

From now on it will be called the ‘Phil’ retriever. This follows an incident last Sunday where Phil Gosling spotted a soccer ball floating near the edge of the lake near the 9th tee. Phil being the good club man he is, ventured into the reeds and to his embarrassment got attached to a reed and over-balanced. The reed gave him no support just ripping a hole in his shirt.

Upon hearing his calls for help his playing partners, once they stopped laughing, were able to retrieve Phil with a ‘Phil’ retriever, pulling him clear of his predicament. Despite his misadventure Phil and playing partner Lance Fredericks went on to win the best nett prize in the Foursomes!

New Pathways

The $1 levy has now run for 3 months and the first major pathway work has now been completed. To help pay for stage 2 (the area around the 18th and 11th tees) all social rounds (except the chicken run) will now also be subject to the $1 levy. The levy will run for a further 3 months when the levy is set to conclude.

The new work behind the first tee to the 5th and the tee on the 6th will take a period of about 3 weeks to fully harden and appears loose at the moment. In the meantime you can walk on it and drive carts onto it. The only restriction is that you don’t turn the wheel of a golf cart while it is stopped. It is quite alright to turn carefully once the cart is moving.

At the conclusion of the round please park your cart on the older concrete section rather than the new work.

Aces Abound

It is my pleasure to report the achievement of two hole-in-ones in recent weeks.

Ray Orr, in a lighter moment,      getting a feel for the hole

Ray Orr achieved his on the 15th hole on the 15th of June in the Veterans comp. Checking my records I can’t find anybody else having an ace on this hole, at least since 2013. Ray played a nice fairway wood and did not see the ball go in as the flag was hidden behind the mound on the left of the green. He was naturally very happy when he found his ball in the hole!

Garry Harvey – with a Jamberoo Open trophy he won. This time it was an ace.

Gary Harvey achieved his hole-in-one on the 13th last Wednesday. Hitting a wedge, his ball pitched pin high, took 1 bounce and then spun straight back into the hole for his first ever ace. What a great shot. Gary’s smile on his dial went from ‘ear-to-ear’.

Both will not only receive 6 balls from the club in celebration of their great shot but also have their ball mounted as a permanent reminder of the perfect shot.

Upcoming Major events

  1. Good luck next week to the Lady Veteran Golfers who are playing their championship on Tuesday and Thursday. Play well and enjoy the experience.
  2. The Jamberoo Men’s Open, sponsored by Drummond Golf Shellharbour, is set down for Sunday July 23. The booking sheet is with the starter so please get involved and put your name down on the sheet. All requests to play with particular people should also be noted. There are prizes for gross and nett in each grade so give it a go!
  3. The Jamberoo Mixed Open will be played on Sunday July 30. The format for this day is Canadian Foursomes. The booking sheet will be in the golf shop so get your team together and put your names down. Can’t find a partner of the opposite sex? No problem put your name down and somebody will make up a team with you!
  4. The Ladies Gold and Silver Pennant teams are hot in pursuit of their respective trophies. Go for it and play well!

 Latest Results

A great week of golf at the course with winter sending down the chills in the mornings.

Phil Hahn has done it again, sinking a putt on the last green for the second week running, sinking the hopes of the pretenders in the clubhouse. This week he won B Grade after his win in C Grade last week. Do I hear A grade around the corner Phil?

Lisa Bell continued her good form winning the Ladies Fourball classic with partner Rose Sheath. Apparently they both played pretty well scoring +11.

Finally congratulations to all who played the Men’s foursomes in very cold conditions last Sunday. The best team out there easily handled the cold and their games to win by 6 shots. Well played Scott and Tony. I foresee many more titles for this pair in the future!

Saturday, July 1st 2017 – Golf Mart Monthly Medal

A Grade: Winner Con Kiayias 67 nett

B Grade: Winner  Tony McRae 67 nett, 2nd Bruce Hammond  68 nett

C Grade:  1st Bob Wright (Port Kembla) 69 nett, Medal Winner and 2nd place Ron Hewson70 nett cb

D Grade: Winner John Corr 66 nett

Best Gross Winner Stephen Rippon 66

Ladies Stroke Winner  Patricia Young (Howlong GC) 72 nett

Wednesday, 28th June 2017 – Stableford

A  Grade Winner, Bruce Byers 41 pts

B Grade Winner, Phil Hahn 40 pts, 2nd Place Dave Ransom 39 pts   (c/b)

C Grade Winner, Bruce Michie 38 pts (The Links Shell Cove), 2nd Place  Geoff Jones 37 pts

D Grade Winner, Pat Lawrence 38 pts

Hole in One 13th, Gary Harvey

Tuesday, 27th June 2017 – 4BBB Par Classic

Winners:  Lisa Bell and Rose Sheath +11

Runners up: Kay Brennan and Cheryl Legge +6

Sunday, 25th June 2017 – Men’s Foursomes Championship (27 holes)

Champions Tony Panecasio & Scott Hainsworth 118 gross

Runners Up Arthur Bosanquet & Wayne Arnott 124 gross

Nett Winners Lance Fredericks & Phil Gosling 108.25

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