News from the Course 24th June


White Duck Day a Quacking Great Success

Diabetes is an insidious disease especially when it affects the young. Any money raised for research is very important and Jamberoo Golf Club were more than pleased to be involved in supporting Juvenile Diabetes Research.

Well done to the sponsors of the day, the participants in the White Duck Golf Day and the supporters of the raffle.

Overall over $2350 was raised and we look forward to running this event in the future.

Thank you.

Length of Rounds Research

I have asked members recently to put down their starting and finishing times for competitions held at Jamberoo.

The results are that the average length of a stableford round is 4 hours on a Wednesday and 3 hours 45 minutes on a Saturday. Some interesting patterns also emerged.

Some rounds on Wednesdays took over 4.5 hours. This is clearly too long and it appears that a single group is holding up groups behind them. Please be aware of your position on the course and your relative position with the group in front. If you lose contact then act and speed up your play. Read the ‘Ready Golf’ suggestions and apply them!

Otherwise you might be embarrassed if a match committee official asks you to speed up your play or penalises you.

Please continue to use the start and finish times on your score cards to help  monitor the length of time your group is taking to complete a round.


Tomorrow sees the annual playing of the Men’s Foursomes. This event is held over 27 holes and a new champion team will emerge as the defending champions are unavailable to play. Good luck to all teams.

The Men’s Matchplay draws are also on display for both the individual and fourball events.

In the singles, defending champion, Tony Panecasio will play the winner of Don Thompson and Arthur Bosanquet in the first match in defence of his title.

Fourball champions, Peter Francis and Tony McRae, will play a very competitive Pete Munro and Ray Orr in their first match.

Levy Works

So far about $2500 has been raised for the restoration of pathways around the course. Work will soon commence on the pathway near the 18th tee where a high quality surface is required due to the constant erosion caused by flooding in this area. All money raised will be spent on course improvements and this will be on top of works completed by our green staff.

Thanks for your support.

Latest Results

Saturday, 24th June 2017 – Single Stableford, 2 Person Aggregate in Conjuction

A Grade Winner  Greg Seymour 37 pts

B Grade Winner    Eric Nyholm 38 pts   2nd Place Dave Ransom 36 pts

C Grade Winner   Gary Hemus 35 pts    2nd Place  Laurie Fogarty 34 pts

D Grade Winner  Jeff O’Brien 36 pts

2 Person Aggregate Winners:    Eric Nyholm and Terry Murphy 71 pts on c/b

Ladies  Winner   Jo Burke 32 pts

Wednesday, 21 June 2017  – Mens Stroke – Blue Course Including Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine

A Grade Winner   Mark Cassel 62 Nett
B Grade Winner    Paul O’Leary 66 Nett
C Grade Winner   Phil Hahn 62 Nett    2nd Place   Michael Sheridan 68 Nett
D Grade Winner     Geoff Jones 68 Nett (c/b)

Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine Winner  Paul O’Leary (holes 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18)  29.5 Nett

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 – Devils Ball Stableford

Winners:  Marie Farrant, Robyn Gregson, Cheryl Legge  68 pts

Runners up: Margaret Cook, Jenelle Anderson, Shirley Dixon 66 pts

Monday, 19th June 2017 – Veterans – Stableford – 4BBB in conjunction

A Grade Winner  John Hammond 34 Pts  c/b

B Grade Winner Ewald Klein 37 Pts 2nd Geoff Reid 36 Pts

4BBB Winners Theo Schmider and Ewald Klein 43 Pts

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