Rare birds spotted at Jamberoo

THERE have been eagles aplenty at the club in the last few weeks.

Firstly Steve Rippon lobbed one in at the 8th on the 22nd of September for his first eagle at the club. Ken Bradley then scored a beauty on the 17th during the comp on the 29th of September.  On the same day Steve was at it again, holing a 2m putt for a second consecutive eagle on the 8th.

Not to be out done, Bruce Byers went one better. He is to be congratulated for his hole in one at the 7th on the 24th October. It was a super shot in more than one way. Of course we are not surprised as it has been pointed out that Bruce has won several super shots and nearest the pins recently.

Lieve Stassen also scored an ace at Port Kembla recently in a Women’s Golf Illawarra competition.

Congratulations to these members. It is a memory to be cherished. I hope the glory of the moment never fades!

Dave Ransom

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