News From the Course – May

2017-2018 Membership Subscriptions

The annual membership subscription rates for the 2017-2018 membership year have been set at $520 for adult members and $260 for Intermediate members (those between 18 and 24 years of age). Junior membership (those under 18) will be $40.

The membership financial year shall be from 1st June 2017 to the 31st of May 2018. Membership subscriptions fall due on the 1st of June and the final date for payment is the 30th of June.

There are 4 options using  payments by card, cash, cheque or direct deposit.

  1. By one instalment of $520 paid by 30th June
  2. In two instalments of $263 paid by 30th June then 30th November
  3. In 4 instalments of $133 paid by June 30, August 31, November 30 and February 28.
  4. A further option is to make equal monthly payments. This method must use direct deposit and further details can be obtained from the golf office.

In all cases the balance of members trophy accounts can be used to reduce the amount to be paid or the number of monthly payments.

Members Trophy and Ball Credits

Members are requested to use their ball credits before the 31st of May. To check to see how many you have in your account then just go to any of the club computers and log into your account. If you need assistance then ask for help from a club employee or board member who would only too pleased to assist.

Ball credits can be taken as golf balls or converted into shop credits where you can purchase items from the golf shop. Each ball is worth $2.50 shop credits.

Your trophy account can be found at the same place and you can use your balance for a whole plethora of things, including a reduction in your membership fees, shop credits, vouchers from external shops, etc.

Golf Shop Specials

Don’t forget that in May all apparel and footwear have an extra 10% discount. A great opportunity to get that new pair of shoes or club shirt!

Hole in One’s and other Eagles

Chris Leckey Portrait 200
Chris, who scored his second hole-in-one today.

Congratulations to Chris Leckey on his fantastic achievement of a hole-in-one on the 13th today. Chris hit a 7 iron purely and to his delight it landed just past the hole to spin back in for the ace.

Chris’ ball will be mounted as a memento of his perfect shot and he will receive a special prize of 6 balls from the club.

Steve Rippon eagled the 8th in the Veteran’s championship on Monday hitting a 5 wood from the tee and then holing his  putt from just off the green. Steve will receive a sleeve of balls for his efforts.

This Week’s Results

The JK train is back on the tracks. John found his form again today winning another monthly medal. Well played John. Some very good golf was played in Saturday’s monthly medal with several excellent scores recorded, including Anthony Smith’s par round for a 57 nett, Bernie McGlinchey’s 62 nett, Les Hannigan and Vince Brynes both shooting nett 64’s. Well played to Liz Armstrong for winning the Ladies comp as well.

Further, congratulations go to Ray Orr on his successful defence of his Veterans Champion title.

Saturday 6 May 2017 – Men’s Stroke Golf Mart Monthly Medal

A Grade: Winner   Anthony Smith 57 nett

B Grade: Winner   Bernie McGlinchey 62 nett   2nd  Paul Rodgers 65 nett

C Grade: Winner    Les Hanigan 64 nett (c/b)  2nd  Vince Byrnes 64 nett

D Grade: Winner  John Keeling 69 nett

Best Gross  Anthony Smith 67

Hole in one 13th Chris Leckey

Ladies  Stroke Winner   Elizabeth Armstrong 72 nett

Thursday, 4th May 2017 – Ladies Vets – Stableford

Winner Robyn Gregson 40 Pts

Runner Up Marie Rodgers 36 Pts c/b

2nd Runner Up Marie Farrant 36 Pts c/b

Wednesday 3rd May 2017 – Drummond Golf Stableford

A Grade Winner    Bruce Byers 32 pts (c/b)

B Grade Winner   Allan Parr 35 pts

C Grade Winner    Tony Dawson 39 pts

D Grade Winner    Brian Green 37 pts      2nd Place    Geoff Jones 36 pts

Tuesday 2nd May 2017 – Ladies Stroke Golf Mart Monthly Medal

Div 1 Winner   Jenelle Anderson 69 nett  2nd  Judy Casey 71 nett

Div 2 Winner   Rose Sheath 73 nett  2nd  Dulcie Piper 74 nett

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1 Medal Winner   Jenelle Anderson 69 Nett

Div 1 Gross Winner    April Van Woerkom 89 Scratch

Div 2 Medal Winner    Judy Casey 71 Nett

Div 2 Gross Winner     Judy Casey 103 Scratch

Div 3 Medal Winner  Rose Sheath 73  Nett

Div 3 Gross Winner   Rose Sheath 109 Scratch

Golf Mart Voucher Winner:  Jenelle Anderson

Ladies Stableford Winner:  Kay Ison 32 pts  2nd  Carol Wiseman 29 pts

Monday, 1st May 2017 – Veterans – Championships – Stroke

Champion Veteran Ray Orr 80 Scratch

A Grade Winner Eddie Cram 64 Nett 2nd Steve Rippon 66 Nett 3rd Al Thomas 67 Nett

B Grade Winner Ian Foy 62 Nett 2nd Michael Sheridan 64 Nett 3rd John Ellsmore 68 Nett




6 thoughts on “News From the Course – May

  1. Hi Dave. I just want to express my appreciation to the green staff for the condition the course is in. If only 100% of players could fill in their divots. Is it too much to ask?

    1. I would like to suggest that a sign be put up at the starters shed, stating all bare patches, storm damage, & tree stumps under one metre be treated as ground under repair. this would free up the green keeper for more important work, also save the club a few bob in paint cans.
      Just a thought.
      Regards LEW FULLER.

    2. Repairing pitch marks would also help. I also agree with your sentiments about the course Tony. Well done Martin and your team.

  2. I would like to know what will happen if social members decline to pay the levy? As not everybody has spare dollars, especially people who only have the pension to get by on.
    Also is this the tip of the iceberg? will there be other levies in the future to cover other maintenance? A few years ago Kiama Council was supposed to have granted the club $10,000 for the upgrade of our paths, what happened to that? It would be nice to get more details, IE, who will build the paths?
    Regards LEW.

    1. We don’t have social members at Jamberoo Lew, just members, and as such all costs need to be distributed evenly through membership fees, competition and social player green fees, cart hire and shop sales. Despite this Jamberoo provides the cheapest, best value membership fees of all clubs in the Illawarra.

      The Board recently introduced the $1 levy on rounds played on our course for a period of six months. The purpose of this levy is to upgrade some pathways on the course which are in dire need and considered very likely to cause accidental falls. Without the input of extra club funds not already allocated and the extreme cost of this work (I have just received a quote for $10000 for repairs near the 18th tee for example) we could not afford to do these repairs at the present moment especially after losing six weeks due to the bad weather.

      This levy is due to run from the 1st of April to the 30th of September for competition rounds and from the 1st of July to the 30th of September for other social games played on the course as it was considered appropriate that all members share the burden and not just the comp players.

      The members were surveyed and their opinions sought on four possible options. The $1 competition levy, a $50 one-off fee, members selling raffle tickets, or no levy at all. The results of the survey were overwhelmingly (over 90%) in favour of the small levy option. The Board considered it would more affordable for members instead of increasing the annual fees to $600 or having a one-off levy for all members . the Board being only too aware of the effect on members personal budgets. If a member in a similar situation as yourself feels that the $1 per round is too much of a burden then a written request by that member to waver would be considered favourably. Otherwise everybody is expected to contribute.

      The levy will complete on the 30th of September and there are no plans for a similar levy in the near future.

      As for the $10000 given by Kiama Council, I was not on the Board at that stage (at least 5 years ago) and I cannot comment on the cost of new work at the time as I don’t know. I do know however that the concrete work alongside of the first tee was completed about this time and it is a substantial piece of work. Having just applied (unsuccessfully) for funding I know that the club would have had to put a fair proportion as its share for this work.

      As no outside grants are available to us we are thinking of asking members to help our greenstaff construct the new paths, and we are also hoping some concrete might be given to us by a helpful company at a reduced price. I believe the levy will only raise about $6000 so members helping would help us substantially reduce the cost per pathway.

      Thanks for your concern and if you can’t afford the extra $1 your request for a waver will be considered on receipt of a letter.

      By the way. It is not the office ladies or the starters who have made this policy and as such they don’t deserve to be questioned vigorously about the policy. Any comments to a Board member please (like Lew has done here).

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