Course Open

Club Graphic

The course is open with the full 18 holes in play but motorised golf carts are still not allowed due to the wet condition of the course. Please check the noticeboard for any local rules and conditions of play.

Changes to the Golf Programme

It has been necessary to postpone this Thursday’s Ladies Veterans ‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ Open Day until Thursday 20th of April.

Further next week’s Jamberoo Ladies Open has also been postponed until Tuesday 9th of May.

All other competitions will be held as scheduled and it is hoped golf carts will be in use by the weekend. Check with the golf shop to confirm availability.

8 thoughts on “Course Open

    1. Further rain has complicated the situation but I agree that the greenstaff have worked very hard to get the course close to condition. They are cutting every day and without rain the course will get back into shape in a short time.
      Certainly there were parts of the course today that still need much attention and we will be paying close attention to these over the next two days to see if we should in fact use the temp course on Saturday.
      The problem with the temp course is the cross over with many members upset with a slow back nine last Saturday, so if this option is chosen i will work with the starter to try and fix this problem.

  1. Captain Dave- the course has been open for the last week. Five comps in all. Player participation has been very poor. Could it be that members are pissed off that preferred lies have not been in play.

    1. Unlikely. The local rule today was to tee up through the green. it didn’t seem to make much difference to numbers. I suspect that the ban on carts has more to do with it. That always has a big impact on our ageing membership. I’d be interested to hear if there really are players who won’t play the course because preferred lies are not in play 🙂

    2. Well I suppose I was meaning the full course rather than the temp course.
      Any allowance to move or tee up your ball are attempts to protect the course and not to just make it easier to hit the ball.
      Last week we had ‘lift clean and place through the green’, which can be interpreted as ‘preferred lies. We tried preferred lies in the Ladies comp and with the rain it was unsatisfactory. That is why both the match committee and the greenkeeper decided on tee up today. On hindsight with the overnight rain it would have been better to play the temp course yesterday and today.
      Congratulations to the members who slogged it out through the heavy conditions Tuesday and Wednesday.

  2. Being a member of golf clubs in the district for the past 40 years I’ve played on much better fairways than ours at the moment and had preferred lies. As to the carts, we don’t have that many for it to be a factor. Ps. Who knew it was tee up before they got to the course today.

    1. My internet has been down for several hours so I apologise for my tardy responses.
      The feedback I am getting is that it is the lack of carts, the poor weather and the heavy conditions underfoot that are making members not play at the moment rather than the state of the fairways ( which I agree are not perfect at the moment). Most realise, however, that the conditions will not be perfect for a while with the constant rain and the flooding of the course over the last 4 weeks and we have used local rules and temp courses that have never had to be used at Jamberoo before just to get games of golf in.
      The local rules and the course condition are being closely monitored and are liable to change each day. I did remind members to look at the noticeboard to check playing conditions in the article as It is not feasible to tell every body individually before the event. Members should ring in advance on the day of the comp to find out about conditions. It has been wet so I was supposing that people would expect things would not be perfect.
      Cheers and best wishes.
      Thanks for your help over the last two weeks.

    2. Sorry Tony, but use of carts are a major factor, and so are the playing conditions as outlined by Dave. Look, I understand your desire for preferred lies, and there is an argument to be made for them, but they are not the reason for our present reduction in playing members. Carts may well be in use this weekend, so let’s wait and see if numbers return to near normal as a result. I know first hand that this is a major factor in my groups turning out. Personally I have no objection to preferred lies if it is in the interest of preserving the course, but I think it would be a great shame if we lost sight of the fact that the spirit of this game is based on two tenets: ‘play the ball as it lies’, ‘play the course as you find it’.

      Let’s try to find the time to have a game together one of these days. 🙂

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