News from The Course 17th March


Course Closed

The course is flooded and covered in debris and will be closed until further notice. Greenkeeper, Martin Boatswain, cannot get any machinery on the course today and if we get the forecast rain on the weekend then he may not get on till Tuesday or Wednesday next week.

We can help by doing  some cleaning up probably Monday, so if anyone can get there it will be the start of the cleanup. Stacking and raking rubbish is probably the best thing we can do. If you are available please bring a rake and help out.

Again, the course is currently closed till further notice.

White Duck Day Postponed

The closure of the course and the uncertainty of its re-opening day has led Vice-President and organiser of the White Duck Day, Keith Hales, to postpone the event until Thursday 22nd of June. 

March Monthly Medal Postponed Again

Our course has taken a battering in this week’s storms and with the closure of the course for the weekend the March monthly medal has been shifted to Saturday 25th of March replacing the stableford event. If it is again washed out on this day then the event will be cancelled.

Lady Veterans Invitation to Male Members

Lady Veterans co-ordinator, Lorraine Cram, has invited all members to play in the Ladies Vets  LADIES – MEN OPEN Day on Thursday 6th of April.

The booking sheet is in the pink folder for Ladies Vets in the Golf Shop.

After the game and for just $5 per head Lorraine has promised that you will be dined like royalty with salad and meat sandwiches, a slice of lovely cake with tea or coffee as well as stimulating conversations.

Please enter.

Members’ Ball Credit Accounts

The membership financial year is fast coming to a close and the Board would appreciate you using your ball credits prior to 1st June.

You may use your ball credits in two ways.

  • Collect balls won from the staff at the golf shop, or,
  • Use ball credits to purchase items from our Golf Shop

Thank you for your co-operation.

2017 Membership Subscription Rates

With the membership financial year ending on the 31st of May, the new fees have been set for 2017-18. They are

  • $520 for Adult membership
  • $260 for Intermediate membership ( age 18 – 24)
  • $40 for Junior membership (includes two free footgolf games)

There are 4 options for payment. For Adult membership,

  • Pay the full amount of $520 by June 30.
  • In two instalments of $263, the first before June 30 and the second before November 30.
  • In four instalments of $133, the first before June 30, then before August 31, November 30, and February 28.
  • By monthly Direct Debit. An upfront amount of at least $83 by June 30 and then up to 11 monthly payments of $43, depending on your upfront payment. All subsequent payments are due on the first of each month starting with July 1.

Your trophy account balance may be used to offset the amount to be paid in each case. Each instalment has a $3 account keeping fee added to offset the added bank fees and administration needed.

Each member will receive further communication about payment options in the near future.

Competition Levy

The Board of Directors, following the results of the membership survey where members voted overwhelmingly in favour of this option, have decided that a $1 competition round levy will be charged on each round for the next 6 months starting on April 1.

The money raised will be used to repair and upgrade the pathways around the course. Work would commence sometime around July.

Pennant Semi-Finals and Finals Postponed

Golf Illawarra has just notified the club that the semi-finals set down for Moss Vale this Sunday and the following week’s finals at The Grange have been postponed to a date yet to be determined. As you know Jamberoo have 4 out of 4 teams represented.

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