Loretta Green the big winner on Presentation Night 2009

Loretta Green with one of her 2009 Trophies

The 2009 golfing performances of member Loretta Green were the standout of the recent Presentation Night.

Loretta, whose handicap has nosedived in the past few years, just about scooped the pool.

Her wins included A Grade Ladies Club Champion, Veterans Champion, Pat Norman Memorial Trophy for Best Nett Score and the Elsie Churchill Eclectic Trophy.

About the only major single title Loretta didn’t win was the Gold Medal, where she was pipped by Shirley Walsh, who shot an amazing 85 gross on her 75th birthday.

Other highlights on the night included the very accomplished speech by Jarrod Buckley, who won the Junior Championship.

It was Jarrod’d last year as a junior and he in part explained how he had to overcome the first round course record set by fellow junior Jordan Widdicombe to win the two round event.

Another memorable acceptance speech was from the winning Men’s Fourball Matchplay team, Jeff O’Brien and Warwick Drew, who expounded on their 28 hole epic final encounter.

The Presentation Night attracted a near capacity crowd and as usual was an enjoyable night of food, musical entertainment, satire and fun.

As Trish Orgill explained in her now annual humorous roundup of odd and unexplained events: “It was all Loretta, Loretta, Loretta. It got boring.”

The Christmas Hamper raffle was won by Linda McGlinchey, the name that seems to crop up whenever a prizewinner is announced lately.

Junior Champion Jarrod Buckley