Friday News from the Course

Womens Championships set to begin

This Tuesday sees the commencement of the 2023 Womens Championship to be played over 54 holes.

Defending champions are Liz Armstrong, Shirley Walsh and Kim Oborn. All are expecting strong challenges for their titles. It should be a very interesting championship in all grades.

Round 2 will be played on Thursday 15th and round 3 on Tuesday the 20th.

Best of luck to all competitors.

Jamberoo Mixed Open entries are now available, so it is time to arrange your playing partner for this important Honour Board event.

Jamberoo Mens and Junior Open

Notice is also given for this main event at the club. Pre-bookings can be made by ringing the golf shop.

Matchplay – round 1

Round 1 matches are set down to be played by June 30. See the whiteboard near the verandah for full details of your match.


Just a reminder that 2023-24 membership fees are now due. If they have not been paid by June 30 then you will lose all playing rights to the course.

If you paid by direct debit into our account or by BPAY then please check with the Office as delays from the bank often occur.

For those who wish to pay monthly you are reminded that the first payment came out on the 1st of June. If you are considering it now then your first payment will be for the months of June and July, double the usual amount and payable on July 1.

Members should show their new Members’ card to the starter before any social round or on request.

News from the Greens Committee – June

In May only 41.5 ml of rain was recorded falling on the course. Compare this with 148ml recorded in May 2022!

With the footings completed the new benches will be installed next week after some bolts are procured and attached to the chairs. These benches were purchased using the funds raised in the January Memorial Day Ambrose and will acknowledge the memory of our lost club mates. Plaques will be attached to the chairs and any member wishing to place a memorial plaque on a chair should contact the club.

Recently our staff have undergone first aid training and are now up to date with their qualifications.

Course Maintenance

The greenstaff are gradually returfing the bare areas on the course. It was hoped, at first, to utilise the grass behind the 16th green but this grass has been found not to be in a usable state at this time. Please continue to take preferred lies (one club length) on fairways for the time being and avoid hitting off these repaired areas.

Dead and problem trees will soon be attended too. Members wishing to gather up the wood left under the trees between the fifth and ninth may do so free of charge.

Presently the 14th tee is the only tee remaining on the course with Kikuyu. It is planned to replace this with couch to bring it in line with the other tees and then the 14th tee will be divided in two for ease of maintenance, the front section for the White course and the back section for the Blue course.

The Greens Committee appreciates the work of several volunteers who are clearing up the garden near the ninth tee. The Friday volunteers morning will commence soon with several important jobs on the agenda.

The new yellow flag poles have not arrived yet and we ask that you be patient in the meantime with the position marking balls still to remain off the flagpoles. Further news shortly.

Golf Carts not to be parked near tees and greens

It is very important that golf carts and buggies be kept off greens, tees and their surrounds. Continued driving close to greens compacts the soil and makes it difficult for pitching and chipping and is damaging the course. Please keep at least 10 metres from the edges of greens and tees if in a golf cart. Use pathways where available or stick to the rough.

News from the Course – June 3

Membership Fees now overdue

The end of the golf membership year was May 31.

If you have not done so already please arrange for payment of your 2023-24 membership fees as soon as possible. Many members use the value of their trophy and ball accounts to reduce the actual amount needed to pay their fees.

Please bring your invoice to the Office with you to make a payment after which you will also collect your new membership card.

Full Membership price is $680; $340 for Intermediate Members and $30 for Junior Members.

The NSWVGA Matchplay Championships 2023

Kim Oborn – Division 3 Champion

“Congratulations, Kim!”

She was successful in winning all four of her matches and won the final day with a resounding 7/5 victory. Kim was defending her title from the 2022 tournament held at Nelson Bay. 

This prestigious annual event was held at Shoalhaven Heads Golf Course and is the first time it has been held at this venue. Greg Collins, tournament director, encourages all Vets to place this event in their calendar for 2024.

Pam Middlebrook

President JWGC

The case of the missing sign

Whether the strong winds of last week or a person so enamoured with signs nicked it, the course today was definitely supposed to be played with preferred lies. The secondary sign in the shop was still there so I think it was the wind!

I am seriously considering making it ‘play as it lies’ with free drops from bare patches in the near future, but there are just too many bare patches at the moment.

So the local rule remains – “one club length preferred lie on fairways not nearer the hole“.

I will give proper notice when the fairways are back to their usual excellent standard so that “play it as it lies” becomes fully possible again.

I have decided to not DQ players today for taking prefered lies. It is almost impossible for me to know who did and who, like myself, did not take preferred lies.

Super Shot That!

The thing I like about the “super shot” is that everybody who enters has a chance to win it no matter what the size of their handicap or age.

Normally, of course, Bob N wins the jackpot but it was very pleasing to see a new face to the winner last Wednesday. Congratulations to Tony Dawson, a very spritely Veteran golfer and about $70 better off!

Rules and More Rules

The rule of golf that is most infringed at Jamberoo is the one concerning where to take your penalty drop if your ball ends up in a penalty area (or water hazard in the old lingo).

If the penalty area is marked yellow you have three options:

  1. Play the ball from the hazard, or
  2. Play the ball from where you played your last shot for the cost of one penalty shot,or
  3. For the cost of one penalty shot, play the ball back on line, keeping the point where you crossed the hazard and the pin in line.

If the Penalty area is marked red you have a further option of dropping your ball within two club lengths of the last point the ball crossed the hazard but not nearer the hole.

Do not bring your ball to the middle so that you have a clear shot if that is not your reference point. Its back on line or back to the tee regardless of the surrounds of the dropped ball! You can go back as far as you wish if you decide on ‘back on line’.

To disregard this rule is unfair on the rest of the field who obey the rules of golf.

For further reading it is Rule 17 []

Individual Matchplay terms and conditions

2023 Individual Matchplay Championship

Conditions of Play

  1. This event is handicap matchplay open to all Jamberoo Golf Club members with a current GA handicap.
  2. Cost of entry is $9 – payable before your first match.
  3. All matches will be played with the benefit of full handicap difference using the balanced handicap distribution method.
  4. Players will remain on the same Tournament Handicap as they started their first match except if they reduce their handicaps during the course of the competition in which case, they shall play off that reduced handicap for the remainder of the competition.
  5. Tournament Handicaps are calculated using your GA handicap from the blue course. A list of all starting handicaps will be posted with the draw and in the link below.
  6. All play will be from the blue tees or markers. 
  7. Women will play a par 67 course from the white (or red) tees. Their GA handicap from the blue tees has been used to calculate their tournament handicap with the addition of 4 extra shots to compensate for the lower par.
  8. Matches should be arranged at a mutually agreeable time. Contact the starter to obtain contact details of your opponent. Be aware of regular competitions and the Ladies Championships which are played in June.
  9. Please communicate the result of your match to the starter at the conclusion of your match.
  10. Please adhere to cut-off dates for each round.

D Ransom, Captain JGC.

Matchplay draw

Balanced handicapped distribution method

Matchplay Starting Handicaps