New Vets Shirts have Arrived for the New Year

After a protracted period of lost orders by our supplier, Peter Young has informed me that he has been down to their factory and picked up the shirts personally so as to guarantee their arrival.

Thanks Peter for your initiative in arranging the new design, the ordering process and their delivery.

They will be available from Monday after golf with a cost of $40 each.

Peter has the list of people who ordered the shirts so please collect your shirt as soon as possible.

If you want a new shirt and missed the order please see Peter.

Saturday December 30 Competition Rules

Saturday Modified 666 Countdown.

Method of Play.

Each player plays off their GA handicap using a stableford scoring format.

All players play their own tee shot.

Select the result of the best tee shot, as you would in an Ambrose.

From the selected ball, every player plays their own ball within 1 club length of that position, or, if the chosen ball is on the green, 10 cm of the chosen ball.

Players then continue to play with their own ball until they complete the hole.

Each player must use at least two of their tee shots over the course of the round.


Holes 1-6

The best individual stableford score is the team score. Record each players score on the card under the initials of the player. Put the team score in the Marker result column (+/0/-). See example below.

Holes 7-12

The aggregate of the best two stableford scores is the team score. Record the scores on the card under the initials of each player. Put the team score in the Marker result column (+/0/-).

Holes 13-18

The aggregate of the best three scores is the team score. Record the scores on the card under the initials of each player. Put the team score in the Marker result column (+/0/-).


The team with the highest aggregate is the winner.

Teams of three.

Apply the same rules but a separate three-person result will be determined.

Groups of two.

Play as an individual stableford.

Scorecard example for team of 4.

Hole1 DR2 SO+/0/-3 AR4 ST+/0/-

News from the Course

Upcoming Events over the New Year

With Xmas upon us it is worth noting that the course will be closed on Christmas Day.

However on Boxing Day a medley Stableford will be held so that you can put to use those new Xmas golf clubs and/or equipment that Santa so genorously left under the tree!

On Saturday 3oth of December a special end of year team event will be held. A 666 Countdown. More news and rules as we get closer to the day.

On Sunday 21st of January a special shirt presentation will be made to the 2024 Pennant teams with a bbq and maybe a short game of golf.

Finally, on January 27th, a 4 person Ambrose event will be held with a shotgun start at 8 am.

This is our annual Memorial Day in memory of those members who have passed on to play golf on a higher plane.

After the game a BBQ will be held and the 2023 Mens Presentation of Awards will take place.

Be Sunwise

Hot sunny days are expected over the Xmas /New Year period and the sun is strong enough to damage unprotected skin throughout the day. Playing golf in extreme heat can also increase the risk of heat-related illness.

Here are four ways to manage the risks of UV overexposure and heat illness:

  1. Monitor the daily UV Index and temperature for your location.
  2. Players should protect their skin in five ways (Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide).
  3. Please be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat illness, such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue and weak, rapid pulse.     
  4. Take appropriate action to prevent heat illness, such as drinking plenty of water, wearing loose-fitting clothing and taking regular breaks in the shade.
  5. Members and visitors are advised to take precautions to protect themselves from the effects of UV radiation and heat illness.

Football Pump

The battery we use to run our ball compressor is “tiring”.

If anyone has an old MGI cart battery (or similar) that they are not using it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate it to the club.

Please see Rod Hodkinson if you have any questions or have one we could use.