Jamberoo Veterans win the Trevor Bell Shield

We went into the final round of the Trevor Bell Shield at The Grange with a somewhat comfortable lead over Port Kembla of 26 points, but when the chips are down funny things can happen. We also had the benefit of a largely unchanged team with the exception of Brian O’Hare who was off gallivanting interstate. Ray Orr gave his traditional stimulating rev up before we hit off and this week it was Pat Paris who had the pleasure of Ray’s continued encouragement throughout the day.

I was lucky to play with Peter Young who unfortunately had a horror start by only recording 1 point in the first three holes. But after we both got the benefit of another Ray Orr rev up on the 8th hole, we went on to each record a solid 19 points on the back for a total of 33 points for Peter and 35 for myself. All the more creditable for Peter who managed to snare a birdie and the odd par, so he had a great comeback from a not so good start.

After we returned to the clubhouse Ray and Pat Paris had also just finished and they managed 35 and 32 points respectively. A quick glance at the leader board revealed that two of Port’s players had scored 40 and 39 points, so they were still in with a chance unless we could post something formidable. Nerves were starting to get a bit frayed as we waited for the rest of the field to finish and it wasn’t long before Geoff Reynolds and Ron Chilby arrived with the news they had scored 38 and 35 points respectively.

With another couple of mid-range scores by Port, it became evident they did not have enough points to catch us on the day and when Karl Edlinger came in with 33 points, that was sufficient for Jamberoo to claim an initial win in the Trevor Bell Shield.

We again managed to score in excess of 200 points on the day (we scored greater than 200 points in six of the seven rounds throughout the year), but that was only good enough for fourth position on the day behind The Grange (225 points), Wollongong (219), Kiama (218), Jamberoo (209), Port Kembla (208), Links Shell Cove (207) and Russell Vale (197).

It was interesting to note that apart from Geoff Reynold’s terrific round of 38 points the rest of us managed to almost play to our handicaps with three of us scoring 35 and another two scoring 33. This result typified our performance during the year with one or two of us scoring well and the rest of the team making valuable contributions by playing close to their handicap. Overall it was a great team performance during the year where we displayed consistency with a bit of brilliance every now and then.

At the conclusion of the luncheon (I had the schnitzel with gravy and chips – yum!) the individual prizes for the day were awarded and while we didn’t feature among the leaders, Ray Orr managed to claim the NTP on the 7th with 198cm. This was followed by the presentation of the Shield which was gratefully accepted by our captain Ray. In his acceptance speech Ray acknowledged the hospitality of each of the clubs when they hosted their round and of the organisers. Ray concluded by saying that we had lost Neville Hutchins during the year and that one of Neville’s goals since its inception was to win the Shield, he was dedicating our win to Neville. Nice one Ray.

The Shield is to be engraved with today’s result and returned to Jamberoo over the next few weeks.


Vets News

July Competition
As a result of the wintery weather, numbers were limited to 71 players this month, which means there were only 2 grades. The winners were:

Division 1
Albert Davies 37 points
Peter Robinson 36 points
Glyn Godfrey 34 points

Division 2
David Wardle 40 points (c/b)
Stuart Potter 40 points
Ray Pearson 37 points

The NTP on the 9th was won by Patrick Foy (337cms) and Ralph Young won the drive and pitch on the 8th (69cms). I was nearby when Ralph played his shot to the green and I saw it hit the pin, so he might have been unlucky that it didn’t drop for an eagle. The ball comp went down to 31 points.

Mollymook visit
Jamberoo hosted Mollymook on Monday 21st July and Jamberoo prevailed with a scoring average of 30.08 points to Mollymook’s average of 24 points. The game was played in brilliant sunshine but surprisingly the scoring didn’t match the weather with only a handful of competitors playing to their handicap.

Bob Crooks 39 points
Richard Langford 38 points (c/b)
Theo Schmieder 38 points

Viv Boxsell 34 points
Sue Paul 30 points
The NTPs were won by Chris Goodwin (123cms) and Viv Boxsell (172cms)

Trevor Bell Shield
There was no play in July. The next game is scheduled for late August at Port Kembla. If you would like to play in future rounds of the Shield, please advise our Team Captain, Mr Ray Orr.

Around the Traps
Anyone who has played at the Links over the past year would have noticed the facilities being constructed between the 13th green and 14th tee. It must be very close to operational by now because during a recent visit (to the course not the facilities!) they have officially named the facility as “Nearest Point of Relief”.

NSW Tournaments
1. The 2014 NSWVGA Matchplay Championships for the Bob Coulson Shield is to be played at Belmont, Waratah, Newcastle(Stockton) and Charlestown golf courses in the Newcastle region of from Monday November 3rd to Friday November 7th 2014. Further details and entry form will be in the ‘Veterans Tournaments’ folder in the golfers lounge.

2. The Leeton and Narrandera Vets week of golf is to be held Monday 20th October 2014 to Friday 24th October 2014. Further details and entry form will be in the ‘Veterans Tournaments’ folder in the golfers lounge.
If anyone still requires further information about any of the above tournaments or previous tournaments advertised, please let me know and I will follow it up for you.

Chris Goodwin
Jamberoo Veterans Golf Club

Seaside and Valley Veterans Golf Tournament 2014

THE inaugural Seaside and Valley Veterans Golf Tournament will be held 24 to 28 November at the Jamberoo and Kiama Golf Clubs.

This is the amalgamation of the two previous tournaments played separately as the Kiama Seaside Tournament and the Jamberoo Valley Tournament.

The two events have been joined as the majority of players play both tournaments and concerns were raised over the need to lodge separate entry forms, pay two lots of entry fees and attend and pay for two separate presentation dinners.

The new combined tournament includes one day events, a two day event and a three day event for both ladies and men.

2014 Seaside and Valley Veterans Golf Tournament Entry Form

Download the Brochure and Entry Form here


Latest Vet’s News

Mollymook travelled to Jamberoo by car on 22/07.

Mollymook had 18 men & 4 lady golfers, whilst we had 19 men & 3 ladies .

We played better on the day but were unable to retain the trophy due to
their massive score at mollymook when we played there 13th May.

With the Bowling Club declining to open we tried the new room, putting on
a pies /potatoes / peas lunch. while the room was full to overflowing with 48 people
it was a very successful event. Thanks to the ladies for their assistance.

Note that the trip to St.George’s Basin set down for Monday 12th has been cancelled.

The trip to Nowra on Tuesday 20th is on and will be a two person aggreggate stableford.
8.00 for 8.30 start.

Our Thanks to Carl & Judy Poidevin for their donation to us, they have both been unwell and
we hope they make a speedy recovery.

Ian Boles

Vet’s play well at Camden Haven

Following the visit of Garry Blewitt, from Camden Haven Golf Club to participate in our 2012 “VALLEY” tournament, twelve of our veterans played in their inaugural event 03 to 07 this month, this was the largest number from any one club.

John Childs was a winner both in stableford points and longest drives, while
Barry Walker and Lyn Kuskey won runners up prizes.

Those participating report it was a well run event on a challenging course.
We hope to see more Camden Haven members here in November.

Dick Farrant from Kiama & president of N.S.W.V.G.A won the N.S.W.V.G.A. Trophy.

Ian Boles