Jamberoo Golf Club is currently offering a weekly Veterans Competition on Mondays
JAMBEROO Golf Club has a vibrant veteran golf scene for men and women.
Affiliated veteran golfing visitors are welcome at all our regular and special events.
Financial members of the JGC are entitled to join the Jamberoo Veterans Golf Association (the age limits are 55 for men and 50 for ladies).
There is an annual membership of just $10.00 per annum with the majority of this money being paid to the NSW Veteran Golf Association for affiliation fees.
Regular Competitions
At Jamberoo the Veteran competitions (women competitors are also welcome) are held on most Mondays of the month, while the Women’s competition is held on the 1st Thursday of the month.
In addition to these competitions,
Trevor Bell Memorial Shield
Jamberoo also has a men’s representative team that competes annually for the inter-club Trevor Bell Memorial Shield.
Teams of eight players from each club in the Illawarra district play in this stableford competition with one round conducted at each of the clubs, with the best six scores counted towards the Shield.
The nomination form for entrants is usually posted on the Vets notice board about two to three weeks beforehand and everyone is welcome to participate. Lunch is normally provided by the host club and a sit down dinner is provided at the end of the season which includes the presentation.
Jamberoo won the shield in 2014, 2018 and 2024.
Jamberoo Veterans Club Championship
The Jamberoo Veterans Club Championship is held in May and to qualify players must have competed in at least three veterans competitions in the previous 12 months.
Barry Walker Shield
Each year a special trophy is awarded to the Jamberoo Vet who has the greatest total Stableford score over the year. The trophy is named in honour of Barry Walker, long time Veterans Committee member and champion fellow.

Vets play the elevated 16th green at Jamberoo during the Seaside & Valley Week of Golf
2019 Kiama Seaside and Jamberoo Valley Veterans Golf Tournament: Report and Photo Gallery
2023 Seaside and Valley Report
Illawarra Medal
There is also an annual event for the Illawarra Medal held at Shoalhaven Heads. Each club is entitled to have three men and three lady competitors and the winner not only receives the medal, but a financial reward as well as a shirt to recognise their achievement.
Regular Illawarra golf club events
JGC veteran members are also entitled to compete in all veterans competitions held throughout the Illawarra (and in most circumstances throughout the country).
There is at least one veteran’s competition played every week in the area:
Jamberoo————— Mondays
Wollongong————1st Tuesday
Kiama——————–2nd Tuesday
Russell Vale————-3rd Tuesday
Port Kembla———— 1st and 3rd Thursdays
The Links Shell Cove–Wednesdays
The Grange————-4th Tuesday
Gerringong————-5th Tuesday

Former long time Jamberoo Veterans committee members Barry Walker, Brian Goodhew, Col Sheen and Ian Boles