White Horse Cuppers into 2015 Final

White Horse Cup Semi Final v’s Highlands at The Grange 22/03/2015

Jamberoo defeated Highlands 3.5 to 2.5.

Mark Cassal cemented a 1UP win on the final green at The Grange to ensure the Jamberoo White Horse Cup team a place in the final. Team mate and on course confidence coach Col Booth (at rear) was there all the way
Mark Cassal cemented a 1UP win on the final green at The Grange to ensure the Jamberoo White Horse Cup team a place in the final. Team mate and on course confidence coach Col Booth (at rear) was there all the way

Report by Dave Ransom


Scott Hainsworth all square

Mark Cassal won 1 up

Larry Kent lost 4/3

Steve Jackson won 4/3

Shane Townsend lost 2/1

Brian O’Hare won 4/2

THE White Horse Cup Team has qualified for the final. Sunday’s encounter could not have been closer, with the difference being a magnificent birdie on the last hole by Scott to square his match.

The team started well with five players having established a lead at half way. The Highlands players applied the pressure, and managed to claw their way back into the match with the score locked at two matches all with only Mark and
Scott left on the course. Mark, having to give his opponent 4 shots, finally took the lead after a great putt on the 16th hole and a solid par on the 17th.  Crow trouble on the 17th saw Scott’s group pass, leaving Mark, the last player on the course, with a 1 up lead.

Meanwhile Scott had led all day only to surrender the lead after losing the 16th and 17th holes. His shot on the 165 metre, over water, par 3, 18th found the centre of the green leaving a difficult 3 metre side-hill putt. To the cheers and relief of the Jamberoo crowd the putt, perfectly struck, never looked like missing.

This left Mark with the task of securing victory with a half on the last. The Highlands player was not able to secure a par and Mark tapped in for victory for his team.

Earlier Steve Jackson had staged a remarkable comeback after being 3 down early in his match. Steve then won 8 of the next 9 holes to easily win his match. Brian never seems to lose to anybody younger than himself and this proved to be true today. He led all the way to record a comfortable victory. Shane and Larry had their chances but determined play by their opponents saw them taste defeat.

Thanks to Col Booth and Chris Goodwin for their motivational speeches and support of their team-mates. The final is next Sunday commencing at 8.10 am against Worrigee Links at Wollongong Golf Club. I am sure all of the club wish them every success and to be the first White Horse Cup winning team at the club.

Shane Townsend plays his approach to the 17th as Larry Kent looks on
Shane Townsend plays his approach to the 17th as Larry Kent looks on
Well-respected Australian Open Official Marshall Peter Young (at right) was brought in to help control the surging crowds
Well-respected Australian Open Official Marshall Peter Young (at right) was brought in to help control the surging crowds. Shane Townsend (at left) chipping to the 17th with Chris Goodwin and Larry Kent looking on in support
Nail-biting moments on the final green. Highlands’ players (left), Jamberoo captain Dave Ransom and team member Steve Jackson witness the final drama on the 18th
Nail-biting moments on the final green. Highlands’ players (left), Jamberoo captain Dave Ransom and team member Steve Jackson witness the final drama on the 18th
As his opponent watches on, Mark Cassel putts it close on the 18th to ensure victory
As his opponent watches on, Mark Cassel putts it close on the 18th to ensure victory

B’s and C’s bow out

Unfortunately, Jamberoo’s B and C Pennant squads bowed out for the year with losses in their semi-final matches.

The B’s went down to a very strong Kiama side 4.5 to 0.5 at Port Kembla. There were some very close tussles.

The C’s played before the WHC semi at the Grange but were devastated after losing against arch rivals Kiama.

C Pennant

Semi Final

Jamberoo 1.5 V Kiama 3.5

Report by Chris Leckey

This year’s charge has come to an end!

After finishing 1st in Division 1 this year Jamberoo were drawn against our great rivals Kiama in the semi-final. A position in the final was at stake and also our annual Town vs Country Cup Challenge.

Unfortunately it was Kiama’s day as we went down 3.5/1.5.

All games were close and either finished on the 17th or 18th hole. Putting was the difference today.

It’s always difficult writing a losing report, but I must congratulate all eight team members who represented our club this year. After a poor pennants season last year we came to within 1 game of making the final.

We have a great bunch of very good golfers who enjoyed each other’s company and representing your club.

We were close, but 2016 will be our next goal.

Well done lads.

B Pennant

Semi-final results: Kiama 4.5  Jamberoo  0.5

Report By Adrian Bell

Unfortunately The B team was decisively beaten in their effort to gain a position in the final. However the score belies the closeness of some of the matches where several of the matches swung against Jamberoo in the last couple of holes.

A wet showery morning greeted us for our 8.20 match at Port Kembla. The Kiama team got off to a quick start in their matches and it became obvious why they had won their division. Some of the experienced members of the Jamberoo team remarked that the standard of golf was as high as they had ever seen. The Jamberoo team drew on their experience and hung in there waiting for an opening to come their way but the Kiama side were playing mistake free golf and presented the Jamberoo side with very few opportunities. However the B’s with their ‘never say die’ attitude chipped away at the Kiama lead and were still in with a chance of a team win on the back nine.  Unfortunately the bounce of the ball did not go Jamberoo’s way on crucial shots and Kiama were able to seal a berth in the final.

Congratulations go to all team members for the magnificent effort they made in reaching the semi-finals. The playing team was Adrian Bell, Paul Hazeltine, Tom Person, Patrick Paris, Pete Munro, Matt Bell, Tony Panecasio and Ray Orr. The matches were always played in a friendly but competitive spirit and all team members were excellent ambassadors for the club. Special thanks go to Ray Orr for his great work in managing the team.

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