Betty Chittick’s lifetime of achievement

Kiama Citizen of the Year Betty Chittick

BETTY CHITTICK, one of Jamberoo Golf Club’s foundation members, has been officially recognised for her lifetime of outstanding service to the community.

The much valued Life Member and club stalwart was awarded the Kiama Council Australia Day Citizen of the Year for 2010.

Betty received the award for her unstinting contribution to the Municipality and its people in a wide variety of voluntary and professional roles, including her services to Jamberoo Golf Club.

The 79 year old was one of the original far sighted Jamberoo community members who first worked to establish the club.

Betty was a member of the initial Board of Directors when the club was established in 1981, a position she held continuously for 25 years till her retirement in 2005.

For the last 15 of those years she was Honorary Secretary and Betty still greatly contributes to the club as a volunteer in the Golf Shop, as an office holder on the Ladies Committee and in other capacities.

Raised on a Jamberoo dairy farm, Betty was typically self-effacing when receiving the award.

“It’s a bit overwhelming actually,” she said. “I like to work in the background. I prefer to be a secretary or a treasurer, not a president…I have no idea who nominated me.”

Some of Betty’s other achievements include:

  • Assistant General Manager of the former Jamberoo Co-operative Dairy Society
  • Life Member Jamberoo Women’s Hockey Club
  • Life Member South Coast District Women’s Hockey Association
  • Life Member Jamberoo Combined Sports Association
  • Life Member Kiama Show Society
  • Secretary and Treasurer for 27 years of Terragong Drainage Union
  • Served for periods on the boards of the former Kiama District Hospital, Mt Warrigal Nursing and Blue Haven Home.

Not bad for a girl who as a 15 year old clerk used to help milk the cows in the morning before walking from Jerrara down to Marks corner to catch the bus to work.

Well done Betty.

15th Annual Camp Quality Charity Golf Day

Ladies Committee Treasurer Betty Chittick presents a cheque to Camp Quality's Ann Tanks

ONE HUNRED golfers braved blustery conditions to take part in the Jamberoo Golf Club Ladies 15th Annual Camp Quality Charity Golf Day on Tuesday September 22.

It was the day before the “Red Dawn” and the dust was starting to assemble around the escarpment but this didn’t dampen the spirits of all those involved in this very worthwhile and fun event.

The popular American Foursomes format went off like clockwork and the day is a tribute to the organisation and work put in by the Ladies Committee and all the other volunteers involved.

Thanks should go to many sponsors and individuals who donated trophies and prizes, worked the sausage sizzle or provided the many plates of yummy cakes and slices consumed for afternoon tea.

The highlight of the day, as usual, was the handing over of a cheque for $4058 presented to Camp Quality representative Ann Tanks.

In the golf results, first in the Men’s Division were Phil Lewis and Brian O’Hare, who are still working out what they will do with the winning prize of accommodation and dinner at Jamberoo Pub and Saleyard Motel.

Runners-up were Ken Bradley and Jim Henry, with B Cotterill (Nowra) and Robert Anderson third, and Graham Kuskey and Eddie Cram fourth. Fifth Neville Hutchins and Laurie Fogarty, sixth Rod Hodkinson and Bruce Hammond, seventh Lindsay Wiseman and Lance Fredericks.

In the Ladies Division, Shirley Walsh was once again on the winners podium, this time accompanied by Belinda Wall from Gerringong.

In second place was Marilyn Wright and Helen Robinson (Port Kembla); third was Chris Miller and Jeanette Simpson, fourth Robyn Gregson and Carol Wiseman, fifth Viv Boxell and Veronica Hayter and sixth Sue Pearl and Isabelle Dorocinski.