News from the Course

Jamberoo Veteran Golfers.

At the Monthly Jamberoo Veterans Board Meeting, Lance and myself have decided to increase the annual joining fee of the Vets from $8.00 to $10.00. This will become payable from October1, the start of the new Vets season.

Please note the correct date for the new season to commence which has been amended from the original article.

The increase is attributable to the Illawarra Veterans Golf Association requiring additional funds to provide a successful running of the Trevor Bell Shield as cash reserves have been depleted in these inflationary times. 

We are taking the initiative in advance to ensure a continued smooth transition for Jamberoo Vets.  

Col Booth 


Thanks to all of our volunteer helpers for again being available and participating in the monthly Volunteers day last Friday.

Much was accomplished and the gardens and surrounds around the course are looking fantastic because of your efforts. Thanks!

We look forward to the September volunteers day which is planned for the last Friday of the month.

Simple things you can do to help look after your course.

Every golfer should carry and use a sand bucket not just to fill in their own divots but to also fill in those divots that have been left be other less caring golfers. Use your bucket liberally on the course and fill it at every opportunity so you can fill as many divot holes as possible.

Pitch marks on greens. Make it a habit to not only fix your own but to fix as many others as possible. Use the correct technique. Don’t whack it with your putter head. Use a pitch repair tool and push the grass in from the outside before tapping it down gently with your putter head.

Don’t drive motorised carts within 5 metres of a green or tee. Doing so hurts the grass and hardens the surrounds around the greens and makes those tricky chip shots even harder to control.

Don’t cross to the southern side of either bridge on the 5th hole. Park and walk across, or take your cart to the 6th tee and walk back to the green.


The yellow penalty area just before the 16th green is a no-entry zone. If your ball finishes in there don’t go in looking for it. That bank has collapsed and it is dangerous. Entry is forbidden. Stop your playing partners going in to look for their ball. It is lost!

Take a penalty using the ‘back on line’ method.

Late News

Volunteer Working Bee This Friday – 25th August.

For Members and Friends thinking about a morning of volunteering for the Club this month, please meet at 8.15am at the Starter’s Shed before heading out onto the course. This is so the Club knows who is on the course and where, and so that tasks can be allocated for the best outcome for the 3-4 hours of effort.

Most of us have favourite gloves, shears, mattocks, pruners, and spades so bring them along with you. Remember hats, long sleeves and long trousers are recommended and sunscreen is available at the Club.

Thanks in advance to those planning to volunteer this month. Remember, the Volunteer Working Bees are the last Friday of every month and new Members and Friends are welcomed.

News From the Course – 23 August

Important info regarding club trophy accounts.

At last night’s Board of Directors meeting the following resolution was put forward and accepted regarding members and visitors trophy accounts.

(A) Any balance remaining in a member’s trophy account (including their ball account) at the end of each JGC financial year (31st of May) must be redeemed by the end of the following month (30th June). Trophy accounts can be used to purchase items from the golf shop or to pay all or part of annual subscription fees (unless a member chooses to pay monthly). However, unused trophy account balances as at 30th June cannot carry over into the following financial year.

(B) If there are any funds still in a member’s trophy account after 30th June, that balance will be automatically credited toward their subscription fees for the following year(s). If a member chooses to pay monthly for the coming year, unused funds in their trophy account after 30th June will be forfeited to the Club.

(C) If a member fails to fully renew their membership by the 14th of July, any funds left unused in their trophy account will be forfeited to the Club when the member is subsequently removed from the membership register. 

(D) Trophy vouchers won by visitors must be redeemed at the club within 3 months of issue or will be cancelled at the expiry of the period. 

Options available for you to use for spending your trophy account

From 1 September no vouchers will be given for use outside of the club.

Your vouchers and ball credits:

  • Can be retained for payment of your Membership fees (see above).
  • Used for purchases in the shop, for equipment or food.
  • to purchase golf balls (if we don’t have your favoured brand in stock we can order them in).
  • Used to pay for golf carts and competition fees.
  • A donation to the club.

Monday Vets Comp 28 August.

Please Note: A glitch occured on OURGOLF which stated that next Monday’s vet comp was a shotgun start 2BBB. This is incorrect in both regards.

In fact it is an individual stableford with normal tee times. The error has been corrected and members are advised to check their tee time. Some may prefer to alter their tee time to a more suitable slot.

This typographical error was caused when the programme writer incorrectly placed July’s event into both July and August. Sorry! Please accept my apologies.

Do you have an RSA?

If you have an RSA and have a few hours to spend Saturday afternoon then your help would be very much appreciated.

Please contact the club and let us know of your availability.

Pitch Marks on Greens.

Don’t forget to fix your pitch mark and at least one other on every green. A simple thing we can all do to help keep our greens in tip-top order.

Remember, start from the outside and push in from all directions before tapping it down. Don’t just bash it with your club.

Also, take and use your sand bucket to fill in any divot marks.

Penalty relief from a Red Penalty Area.

I was chatting with some members the other day about penalty relief situations from red penalty areas. In particular at the 7th green.

There are 3 penalty relief options available all for the addition of 1 penalty stroke:

You may take ‘stroke and distance’ relief (item 1 on the diagram); To proceed, find where you last played from as a reference point, estimating the spot if you’re not sure. Drop your ball within a one club-length arc of that point not nearer the hole and then play it. There is a penalty of one stroke.

You must drop in the same area of the course as your reference point.

2. ‘Back on line’ relief (item 2 on the diagram);

Your second option is to determine the point at which your ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area. Now choose a reference point as far back as you wish on a reference line keeping that point directly between you and the hole.

If you are able to find or see your ball, remember your reference point may be some distance from where it is lying. It is the point at which it last crossed the edge that is important.

Again, you get a one club-length relief area arc in which to drop, not nearer the hole. You then play from there under penalty of one stroke.

3, ‘Lateral’ relief (item 3 on the diagram).

Finally, you can choose to take lateral relief, measuring a relief area of 2 club lengths (not nearer the hole) from where your ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area, and dropping the ball in this relief area.

This can be in any part of the course other than the same penalty area. Again, the penalty is one stroke. If you’re not 100% sure where it crossed, estimate the spot to the best of your ability.

This relief option is not available to you if the penalty area is marked with yellow stakes or lines.

Also, prior to 2019 you could also take relief on the opposite side of a lateral water hazard (now red penalty area). This is no longer an option.

Jamberoo Women dominate down at the Basin

20 players and 2 supporters travelled to St Georges Basin to participate in the annual WGI Teams Challenge – 5 teams in all.

The Major Prize – Overall Nett Winners with 62.6 nett was won by our own team comprising Cheryl Legge, Kay Ison, Pam Middlebrook & Rose Sheath. This team was successful in defending their title.

Rose, Kay and Cheryl

Other successful teams were: 

Gail Rutledge, Lyn Kuskey, Shirley Dixon & Helen Wainwright – Division 2 Best Gross 85 c/b.

Shirley, Gail & Lyn

Tracey Watson, Shirley Walsh, Jenelle Anderson & Liz Armstrong – Division 2 – 3rd place with 68.1 net.

Jenelle for her team

Jenny Grey, Sylvia Karshies, Cheryl Smee & Gloria Thompson – Division 3 – 2nd place with 66.4 nett.

Jenny, Sylvia, Cheryl & Gloria

CONGRATULATIONS ALL JAMBEROO TEAMS! We were the best represented of the visiting clubs.

Sunday Night Practice, teams in full training mode!

News from the Course – August 20

Sunday Mixed 4BBB

It was good to see 22 players today for our first monthly mixed event and after round get together. This included 7 visitors from Kiama and the Links Shell Cove. Welcome.

The scoring was sensational with the winning team of Leanne and Jeremy from the Links posting 49 points! April and Colin looked the goods with 47 points until that last group upset the Apple cart.

Tracey and Colin played extremely well to finish on 45 points which included a 2/5 for Tracey on the 13th!

Both Col Booth and Tracey Watson scored “aces” today. Unfortunately they were into the footgolf holes.

Full Results are printed below. The next mixed day will be held on Sunday September 17 where we will play the Mixed Foursomes Championships over 27 holes. This is a Jamberoo Honour Board event. Tee off times will be from 7.30 am in order to fit in the extra holes. [play the front nine first, then play the whole 18 holes, starting at 1, again].

What is the difference between a 4BBB and a 2BBB?

You may know that it is called a “fourball” because there are 4 balls in play for each group at any one time. Each group is then divided up into two teams of two. The term ‘best ball’ means that only the best score for each team needs to be scored for each hole. Here is an example of how to score the card.

Player APlayer BscoreMarker AMarker BScore
Both player A and player B scored 5/2 on the first but Player A scored it first so only that score is written down. Notice you only need one score for each team per hole.

Add up the team scores at the end to find out the overall team score.

A 2BBB event is slightly different in that both players scores are recorded for each hole. It is like playing an individual in conjunction.

Player APlayer BscoreMarker AMarker BScore
Note that you write both players scores down for each hole and pick the best score for the team score.

At the end add up each player’s individual score and the team score.

Some variations of the 2B format are to play an ‘aggregate’, ie add both scores together for the team score each hole, a ‘multiplier’, where you multiply each score together to get the team score, or a ‘split six’ where the first six holes use a best ball, the next 6 use the aggregate and the last 6 the multiplier.

Volunteer Working Bee – Friday 25 August 2023

The next Club Working Bee is coming up on Friday, 25th August. The smaller gardens, where the efforts have been made so far, are starting to look really good. This is a terrific reward for all those who have given their time and energy at the first three volunteer days. Thank you for your contribution!

For members and visitors, we hope you are enjoying seeing the small changes each month. We are hoping to include small maintenance tasks as well, so if gardening is not your ‘thing’ but you are handy with a tape measure, a hammer or a paint brush, please let us know as we will be able to find a few small jobs for you too.

A small reminder for next week that work starts at 8.30am and finishes about 12 noon for lunch and a drink. Hope to see you there!

The 5th tee garden is looking good