In memory of our lost mates

For those wishing to attend the funerals of Athol Casey and Greg Rodgers the details are listed below.

Athol Casey

Athol’s Funeral is set for Saturday 17th at 10am at Hansen & Cole,  Kembla Grange.

Greg Rodgers

Greg’s funeral will be held at 11am, Monday the 19th of February, at The Pavilion Kiama, followed by a celebration of his life at Club Jamberoo. It is requested that you don’t come all dressed up, but wear what you would if you were going out for a round of golf with Greg instead.

Both will be sadly missed.

Greg Rodgers info and picture courtesy of Club Jamberoo.

News from the course – Feb 12

I have been away intrastate for the last week and unable to comment, due to technology difficulties, on some new happenings at the club and some very sad tidings.

Sad Tidings.

by David Ransom

It is with very deep regret that I inform the members of Jamberoo Gold Club of 3 recent tragic happenings.

Long time member, good friend to many, and ex C Pennant Captain Athol Casey has passed away after a prolonged illness. Deep condolences go to Judy and her family.

Athol’s Funeral is set for Saturday 17th at 10am at Hansen & Cole,  Kembla Grange.

By now most members will be aware of the sad passing of Ryan Dorahy. Ryan, an ex White Horse Cup Cowpat, B Pennant captain and junior mentor. Ryan was taken from us at the tender age of 33 and will be sadly missed.

A third great shock was the sudden passing of Greg Rodgers last weekend. Greg was an active sponsor of our club and good friend and regular player with his mates and an ex C Pennant player in Athol’s team. Another great loss to the club.


Greg, Athol, and Ryan.

Competition News.

There has been a change in the golf programme due to the non-playing of the Drummond Golf Stableford last Wednesday.

The stroke round due to be played this Wednesday has been cancelled and the Drummond Golf Stableford will take its place.

My humblest apologies for the late notice but I have been compromised by a lack of working technology.

Board News.

by Dave Ransom, Director

New Golf Management Software.

Earlier this year, Golf Australia announced that our existing GOLF Link system is to be decommissioned and replaced with a new and upgraded platform. The new platform will set Golf Australia up to deliver an enriched digital experience for golfers and golf clubs across the country. Some companies that operate have decided against updating their software to integrate with the modernised national handicapping platform and will therefore no longer be able to satisfy the needs of golf clubs.

Unfortunately one of these is “Slice” which we currently use.

The Board has spent much effort on research of a suitable replacement and have decided to update to Mi Club Golf. Many of the local clubs in our area currently use this program successfully.

The new platform promises to be better, user friendly wise, and the OURGOLF booking program will be replaced by an improved new booking system.

New equipment to help maintain the course in immaculate condition.

With our aged and often second hand mowers continually needing repairs and expensive servicing it has been decided to purchase or lease brand new equipment. There will be added costs to these purchases but the Board feel that these are warranted to maintain our course to the excellent standard that we have come to expect.

New Golf Carts set to arrive soon.

Our fleet of golf carts is set to be upgraded with replacements for some of the older models.

Much appreciation goes to club treasurer Geoff Wilson on his excellent efforts on behalf of the members in managing each of the above projects.

Last Sunday’s Pennant Results.

reports by Larry Kent, Chris Leckey and Shane Townsend

Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Mens Pennant teams recorded fine results last Sunday.

The C Pennant team this time had to host Moss Vale and completely reversed the results from the previous Sunday winning 4.5 matches to 0.5.

The home ground advantage is very important and our team certainly used it well.

Wins were recorded by Tom Zimmermann, Alan Jones. Wayne Griffiths and Ken Bradley while Les Skarratts remains undefeated with a second draw playing at number 1.

The B Pennant Aces also recorded a good win 3.5 to 1.5 against Shoalhaven Heads. Good wins to Anthony Smith, Dan Adams, and Lee Haywood and a strong draw by Joel McIntosh were enough to see us home. Chris Leckey continues to find players in form and lost narrowly.

Finally, the White Horse Cup division 2 team scored a great 5.5 to 1.5 win over Worrigee at the tricky Sussex Inlet course.

Great wins to Phil Gosling, Stef Tinworth, Andrew Ransom, Peter Francis and Rob Young were recorded, while Noel Laman, playing his first Pennant match for Jamberoo, squared his match at number 1. Pete Young again found the going tough against a player playing a career round.

All 4 teams are in action next Sunday, with the C Pennant and WHC div 4 team at home, the WHC div 2 at Port and the B Pennant at Gerringong.

Good luck.

Monday Roundup

Mens Pennants Results from the Weekend.

Reports from Chris Leckey, Don Thompson, and Larry Kent, team Captains.

The second weekend of Mens Pennants witnessed three of our teams in action.

All teams performed well but results did not go our way.

The B Pennant team were playing the defending champions Kiama at Port Kembla. Of the 5 matches 3 were halved, one was lost and one was won. This gave an overall result of 2.5 games each.

Tied matches were recorded by Dan Adams, Lee Hayward and Anthony Smith. Joel MacIntosh playing his first match for Jamberoo was successful 3/2 and Chris Leckey, playing against an opponent in great form, went down in his match.

As you can see the standard of the match was extremely high against two competitive teams … Kiama were obviously boosted by two ex-Jamberoo B Pennant players in their ranks.

The White Horse Cup Section 4 team played against a very strong Links Shell Cove team at Russell Vale. In a very close tussle The Links were successful 4 matches to 3. Both teams were bamboozled by the Russell Vale greens but the Links team did just enough to claim victory on the last hole of match 7.

Peter Hackett, Matthew Ross, and Warren Joannou were succesful in their matches, while Renato Franciskovic, Pat Paris, Leon Polestico and Robert Maclean were pipped at the post.

The 2014 C Pennant team.

The C Pennant team had the difficult task of playing Moss Vale at their home track and were defeated 4.5 to 0.5. Les Skarratts, playing his first match for Jamberoo, drew his match against the Moss Vale number 1 and Glen Bayo made an impressive start to his pennant career going down on the 18th hole in a very close match. Mal Hoy, Wayne Griffiths and Ken Bradley found it hard going against the home course players.

Next weekend’s match will be played at Jamberoo and the team will be looking forward to reverse this result.

written by Dave Ransom

Saturday Roundup

Excitement at the Course.

Pam Middlebrook reports.

Champagne 9 had another first today. 

Cheryl Smee – on the 9th with her driver. A low projectile shot, hitting the fairway and rolling up to the flag, then it disappeared. 🏌️‍♀️⛳️

From Get-into-Golf less than 3 years ago to C-9, now a ‘hole in one’. (So early in her career). Cheryl should have a good season in Pennants this year!

Rod Hodkinson fires the lights out.

Congratulations Rod on a wonderful round today. A nett 57 to win the C grade Medal by 5 shots. Rod was fairly pleased with his round and sent a photo of his scorecard to everyone on his mailing list!

Other Monthly Medalists and prize winners today were:

A Grade Winner:    Craig Foster  66 nett    2nd:     Con Kiayias  67 nett   3rd:   Les Skarratts  68 nett

B Grade Winner:     Brett Fielding  62 nett   2nd:    Geoff Reynolds  63 nett  3rd:   Jake Willoughby  64 nett

C Grade Winner:     Rod Hodkinson  57 nett   2nd:     Steve Oppert  63 nett   3rd:   Phil Gosling  64 nett

Putting Winner:      Steve Oppert  23 putts

Best Gross:   Craig Foster  76

All Monthly Medalists qualify for the Gold Medal playoffs in November.

Medley Stableford Winner:     Stefan Tinworth  41 pts 

Ladies Stroke Winner:    Elizabeth Armstrong  62 nett

Pennant Matches tomorrow.

Good luck to the OAKS AUTOMOTIVE Mens Pennant teams tomorrow.

The B Pennant play Kiama @ Port Kembla

The C Pennant play Moss Vale @ Moss Vale

The White Horse Cup Section 4 team play the Links Shell Cove @ Russell Vale

The White Hores Cup Section 2 team have the bye.

News items presented by Dave Ransom

News from the Course – Feb 3

Jamberoo Member Honoured.

Congratulations to Member Brad Jenkins on recently receiving Shellharbour Council’s 2024 Environmental Warrior of the Year award for his many efforts in helping to protect our environment, particularly the Minnamurra River, the Dunmore Wetlands and Killalea State Park.

Well done, Brad!

lllawarra Vets Meeting.

Last Friday Lance and Col attended the Illawarra Vets AGM held at the HARS museum representing Jamberoo Vets.

Plenty of business was completed including the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield draw.

Lance is seen here hard at work in a F1-11.

Surely a metaphor for our Trevor Bell Shield team, ready to strike!