News from the Course – April 30

The three amigo fence fixers!

by Kelley Greaves.

These three amigos fixed the fence along the 6th on Monday.

“So I’ve arrived for golf on Monday and a few of the fellows were talking about Bernie and Ronnie needing more than a set of earplugs to use while we did the wire fence down Minnamurra lane, they were so rude! 


 My response was, “ How can they wear earplugs as they won’t be able to hear my advise on how to do the fence.”


[Kelley was the supervisor and Bern and Ronnie didn’t need earplugs!]

Help Wanted.

1) Cart Maintenance – the club is seeking expressions of interests from members or non members who have appropriate electrical/mechanical qualifications to undertake 6 monthly cart maintenance checks and if necessary repairs. Remuneration to be negotiated.

2) The Board is also wishing to create a list of member volunteers who have chainsaw qualifications and who are willing to assist with cutting up flood debris logs into manageable sized pieces. If any members have appropriate certificates of training and are interested in assisting please submit details to the Bob Neilson, club secretary, through the Office?

The beautiful succulent garden as you walk towards the ninth green.

Member Update from the President.

Members will be aware from recent Daily Cow articles that the Club has acquired some new machinery (a new greens mower, new fairway mower and a small compact tractor).  Additionally, the Club has had to acquire new golf competition and membership management software (MiClub). The two mowers have been acquired under chattel mortgage (basically a hire buy system where the machinery becomes the Club’s property at the end of the hire period).

These were all essential acquisitions, but the bottom line is that it increases our Club’s annual operating costs by around $40,000 per year.  Spread across the membership (currently 577 of which 459 are full fee-paying members) this equates to around $90 per member per year.

However, after two disastrous financial years (2021 Covid & 2022 8 months of severe wet weather closures) the club is trending (fingers crossed) towards achievement of a healthy profit for 23/24. The final profit result for the current year will have been underpinned to a certain extent by a “temporary” shortage of greens staff over that financial term. Head Green Keeper Nick has been trying to hire a suitably skilled person to assist his team, but his latest hire decided the work wasn’t for him after just a couple of weeks.  Consequently, the team have been working more than the usual amount of overtime which takes it’s physical toll on them. Clearly, our green staff numbers need to increase and soon so those expenses will come back to normal in the near future. 

The Board is very sympathetic to the impacts of inflation on our members and has accordingly tried to alleviate the impact of levying the full cost outlined above on its membership but have no choice other than to increase our membership fees for the year ahead.  Instead of the full $90 increase the Board has applied an increase of $50 for full members ($1 per week) and a pro rata increase of $25 for intermediate members.  Juniors will remain at $30.  Members who have attained 80 years of age and held 10 or more years continuous membership will again be rewarded with a $200 discount on their 2024 membership fees.

The Board encourages all members to utilize their trophy account balances to offset their membership fees when they fall due from 1 June 2024, or if you have the capacity follow the lead of many of our members in donating some or all of your trophy account back to the Club to help with the most recent flood recovery.

The Board also aspires to achieving an equitable balance in the burden of maintenance and management of the club between its competition playing members and non – competition playing members.  In this regard, the allocation of prize money from competitions will be increased by 50% and the Club has established the option for members to use their trophy accounts through a voucher system with Drummond Golf Shellharbour, Jamberoo IGA and the Jamberoo Butcher.  With the introduction of the new MiClub software system members will soon be able to use their trophy accounts to pay for any golf club charges (bar, shop, cart hire, competition fees etc.)  The only exception would be for rare things that don’t get assigned to the BePOS (Point of Sale) system.

Other news

At long last the Club received the first tree lopping approval from Kiama Council and is waiting for a response to a second application. There is a 10-tree limit and a $175 fee for each application.  You may have seen some plastic tags attached to certain trees; white indicates that approval has been sought, blue indicates that a tree can be trimmed, and red indicates that a tree can be removed.  The course was closed due to the recent flood event, and we were able to act on the first Council approval with an arborist undertaking tree pruning work on the 5th and 12th holes. There is a lot more to be done!

MiClub has been introduced in stages from early April and will become an asset to members when it is fully installed in early May. There have been some early teething problems with member access to the booking page for some. I am sure that these will be overcome and soon you will be able to check the balance of your prize account and your results for each competition. The ability to use your phone to score your rounds using the MiScore App is also something of note that members have the option to use.

As you are all aware the course has been seriously impacted by the recent flood event, with significant costs associated with repair and or replacement of damaged infrastructure.  The Board is investigating options and processes (Council planning approval requirements) to upgrade many of our more at-risk paths to concrete or an alternative, more flood resistant surface.  It is our specific intent to utilize the generous donations of members from their trophy accounts or separately to fund the restoration and any improvement works.

I would personally like to sincerely thank those members who have donated to the 2024 Flood Recovery Fund and to those members and visitors who volunteered their time and energy in the clean-up. The spirit of giving and helping is alive and well at Jamberoo.

Phil Hahn


Jamberoo Vets Matters

Trevor Bell Memorial Shield

With the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield match at Kiama clashing with our Male Veterans Championship next Monday some changes to the programme are necessary.

Next Monday, May 6 will now be a Vets Stableford and the following Monday, May 13 will be the Male Vets Championship stroke round.

Team for TBMS at Kiama on Mon 6 May is:

Ron Chilby

Col Booth

Warren Joannou

Craig Foster

Rob McLean

Peter Hackett

Peter Francis

Chris Leckey

Abandoned Round at The Grange has been rescheduled to 14th October 2024.



Women Vets this Thursday

The Women Vets will play a 3 person Ambrose this Thursday.

Bookings are available.

Full course available

The good news is that the full 18 holes will be available for play from Saturday.

We will still need to have 30 cm preferred lies in the general sections of the course and free drops from the stacks of debris either piled up under trees or stacked.

The sand bunker on the third remains GUR but other bunkers are in play.

Use preferred lies on the sandy areas on the 12th if necessary.

Motorised carts are available but please use common sense and steer away when approaching damaged areas.

Under rule 16.1d, if a player’s ball is on the putting green and there is interference by an abnormal course condition (ie damage caused by the flood or birds for instance) the player may take free relief by placing their ball on the spot of the nearest point of complete relief. The nearest point of complete relief must be either on the putting green or in the general area. If your ball lies on the green and the line of putt is affected by a damaged section then you may move your ball to the nearest point of complete relief without penalty.

Scores will be sent to GA for handicapping.

Wednesday News from the ‘Roo

Great Catch That!

The trees were well watered a fortnight ago and have become rather ‘handsy’ as Bob Neilson will attest.

Bob’s hooked tee shot on the 6th today ended up in a very tricky spot. Luckily Alan Jones kept his head up and found Bob’s ball.

Competition Updates.

Anzac Day Stableford.

Tomorrow’s competition is a walk up start with tee times from 6.30 to 10 am. Please inform the starter of your intention to play.

As is the usual Jamberoo custom players are requested to halt proceedings at 11 am and observe a minute of reflection on the sacrifice and contribution of all those who have served.

Perhaps a sprig of Rosemary or a red Poppy should be worn. [Rosemary is an ancient symbol of fidelity and remembrance. The aromatic herb grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula in Türkiye, where the original Anzacs served in World War I].

Lest we Forget.

Sunday Mixed Fourball bookings are available.

The monthly Mixed Fourball competition is scheduled for this Sunday with tee times from 9.09am. If you are interested in playing then please book your team into the comp via the new booking app or by ringing the golf shop.

Women Vets to play Thursday 2nd May.

The May Women’s Vets game is a 3 person Ambrose. Bookings are available now.

17th April Greens Meeting Update.

notes from Bob Neilson, Hon. Secretary Jamberoo Golf Club.
  • Clean-up: Focus is on greens and fairways in order to open course; debris in rough can be left for the moment. Fire brigade is coming out; hope is to burn much of the debris. BN has contacted a business called Avcon which does clean-ups, but issues are expense and possible damage to course; BN has written to Council seeking help with drop-off fees and possible pick-up. Volunteers have helped a lot. IB: Could we have volunteers chain sawing safely? BN: We haven’t allowed unlicensed members to do this in the past for safety reasons.
  • Pathways: BN: The gravel we currently use is a nightmare after flooding; we need to concrete as many pathways as possible. This is expensive, but we can do it gradually. A plan with clear priorities so we can estimate costs and get going, one path at a time. Agreed that we should prepare a prioritised list of pathways to be concreted (with a cost estimate); the proposal will be presented to the Board. We can explore grants, especially if we push the community use idea. The proposal will be presented to the Board.
  • The pipes below the current small concrete bridges get blocked during flooding; NG wants to replace the bridges with something higher that lets the water flow underneath.
  • Some tree pruning has been done. Next tree application has been submitted. You may have seen some plastic tags attached to certain trees; white indicates that approval has been sought, blue indicates that a tree can be trimmed, and red indicates that a tree can be removed. Zac the arborist is willing to trim and remove (according to guidelines) so we can continue to use him.
  • Are we using red pegs and no yellow? BN: We should check with Golf NSW that this is OK, assuming that it is not normal to replace yellow with red. Discussion. LK will seek advice from Golf NSW.

News from the Course

Tuesday News.

Famous Words Remembered.

Article by Col Booth.

In 1977 Kiama Council purchased Tate’s Farm alongside the Minnamurra River.  Through persistence especially from the late Elsie Churchill whose words are worth quoting given the recent cleansing of the course with the April flood.  (Note: The Jamberoo Social Golf Club as it was at that time were fully aware of the Flood Plain and the regular risk of inundation) but Elsie’s letter to the Kiama Council is worth repeating in the aftermath of the latest flood event.

 “Council should welcome with open arms a group of local citizens willing to turn this raging torrent into a picturesque, serene, quite country golf club ” and may I add the envy of many a Golf Club with it’s volunteer tradition, members and staff spirit to enhance the land from its once open pastures to a well (perhaps too well) vegetated oasis providing a balance of natural habitat and area for community recreation. 

Elsie and the Golf Social Club at the time took up the Challenge to create the course and it’s the responsibility of our Board and members to inspire and maintain that legacy.   

WGI Gold Pennant team successful against The Grange at Shoalhaven Heads.

Results of today’s Women’s American Foursomes:

Winners:  Pam Middlebrook & Marie Smith  70.125   Runner’s Up:  Robyn Gregson & Cheryl Legge  72.125

Balls to:  Helen Wainwright. Gail Rutledge, Linda Kirwan, Kerrie Michie, Lidia Waine & Lieve Stassen.

WGI Pennant Results

Bronze Pennant – Jamberoo defeated St Georges Basin 2-1 at the Grange.

Cheryl Smee won 2/1

Barbara Costello won 4/3

Sue Paul lost 3/2

Silver Pennant lost 3-2 against Shoalhaven Heads at The Grange.

Lyn Kuskey lost on 18

Jenelle Anderson won 5/4

Lidia Wayne lost 3/2

Gail Rutledge won 3/1

Margaret Cook lost 3/2

Gold Pennant won 4-1 against The Grange at Shoalhaven Heads.

Liz Armstrong won 6/5

April Van Woerkom lost 4/3

Kay Brennan won 5/4

Pam Middlebrook won 8/6

Dell Brand won 3/2

The Bronze and Silver teams are in 5th place and the Gold Pennant lead their division.

Great work for all 3 teams to do so well representing Jamberoo.

Good luck to all teams next week


Special Deal on Club Stubby Holders.

‘Winkee’ has asked to be put on special for the rest of April to celebrate the recovery of the course from the floods with the help of our volunteers. Instead of the usual $10 a 20% discount will be applied so you can get one for just $8.

Hurry while stocks last!

Good news on the horizon.

With the total of member donations to the flood appeal just over $6140 and with the cost of repairing the pumping station at about $8000 it has been decided to use these funds on the repair and flood proofing of the pumps so that our water supply can be re-established and again be used to irrigate the course.

The toilet near the 12th tee is in working order again with water now restored.

Thanks to all of our members who have donated from their trophy accounts to assist the club. The following members have lately contributed: George Goor, Jack Cashmore, Alan Parr, Al Thomas, Bruce Michie, Sue Paul, Arthur Morris, Alan Jones, Greg Clough, and Lance Fredericks.

Our green staff are busy with the cleanup and preparation of the course and we hope for further good news later in the week…

Email notifications of tee times.

Some members have queried why they are no longer getting e-mail notices of their tee time bookings, The answer is that MiClub was only partially installed to allow members to access the new timesheets and MiScore and to allow access to the new GA handicap management.

The membership component of the programme, where email addresses are held, has not yet been installed. This will change once the MiClub member management component is turned on to replace Slice in the near future, and at that time you should again get e-mail notifications. 

Handicap Adjustments.

Support from the software company, when golf clubs across Australia are all changing over to new systems, is limited. This is why member’s GA handicaps haven’t been adjusted for recent Jamberoo rounds during the 9 hole twice period. MiClub hasn’t given us any updates on how to enter nine-hole scores twice from the same nine holes, only given us templates for 18 hole events. We are still learning.