News from the Course

Tuesday October 18, 2022.

Course remains open with full access to motorised carts. 30 cm preferred lies in the general area allowed.

Garden Dedication and Blessing

This Thursday at 2.30 pm the special ceremony to recognise the years of devotion of our dearly departed member John Ellsmore will be conducted at the 6th tee at the garden that was John’s pride and joy.

A plaque will be unveiled to John in remembrance of his dedication to the many gardens around the course.

The course will also be blessed by Rev Steve Stanis of Kiama Anglican Church at the same ceremony.

Members and friends of John are most welcome to attend.

Veteran News

Veteran golfers who play in the Monday comp are reminded that their $8 Vets membership fee is due.

If you have paid and not yet received your membership card ASK the starter for it.

All players who have paid have their card waiting for them!!

Eagles Nest Won

Last Saturday Bob Wright hit a great shot on the 3rd hole to 74cm.

This was inside the required distance so Bob wins the jackpot of 33 balls courtesy of sponsor Oaks Automotive.

Well done Bob!

Temporary Local Rules News

Currently we have 30cm preferred lies in the general sections (fairways and rough) of the course. It has been mentioned to me that some people have been a little too liberal in its use!

There are five areas of the course. The general area, which covers the entire course except for these four specific areas:

  • The teeing area of the hole you are playing (Rule 6.2),
  • All penalty areas (Rule 17),
  • All bunkers (Rule 12), and
  • The putting green of the hole you are playing (Rule 13).

If your ball is in the rough then your preferred lie has to remain in the rough. If your ball is on a putting green then you can’t take a preferred lie. The putting green is not part of the general area.

Apparently one wag in the last monthly medal thought he could move his ball from the green to just off the green thinking this would improve his putting statistics for the daily golden putter award.


Upcoming Events and how to play them.

This Saturday is a 4BBB stableford (or fourball). This is a two person team event despite its name.

Both players in a team play their own ball and record their score and stableford points per hole as usual. The difference is that only the best stableford point score of the two is recorded for the team for each hole. This score is tallied and the team with the greatest score wins.

On Saturday week one of our annual Honour Board events will be played, the Foursomes Championship.

In a foursomes, each team plays only one ball, and players play in alternate order for each hole. If player A tees off then player B hits the next shot, then player A plays, then B, until the ball is holed.

If player A hit off first on hole 1 then player B hits off first on hole 2 and so on throughout the round. If player A hits a shot into a penalty area then player B plays the next shot after the penalty shot is awarded.

Note of warning, be careful on the green, players must still alternate their shots. Don’t tap in if you miss a putt. Remember it’s your partners turn.

A stableford will be held for those players without a partner.

Snakes are About

Last Saturday Bob and Chris noticed a large black snake in the treeline between the 16th and 17th holes. It is best to keep your distance as this type of snake will usually move away quickly. Probably best not to throw sticks at it though, as this is a sure way to annoy the snake.

A ‘two-snake penalty’ was awarded!

For the rest of us, be aware that snakes are up and about. Probably not a good idea to move into snake habitat in our creeks and drains at the moment.

Weekend Course Update

Friday 14th October 2.30pm

The very good news is that all holes are in play and the use of golf carts has been approved.

The course is still very soft of course so please use your common sense to avoid the wet areas especially if you are in a cart. Please take care in the wet areas and near greens. Be aware of the conditions.

Because of the strong possibility of mud being stuck to your ball it will be 30 cm preferred lies through the green. Some puddles remain so the casual water rules and procedures apply for these areas.

The penalty area in front of the 16th green, which includes the collapsed bank, is a yellow penalty area and the western side, near the green, has yellow star pickets to outline the edge of the penalty area. On the line is in the penalty area – no preferred lie allowed here. Members are reminded that the collapsed bank it is a ‘no-go’ area. Take your penalty using (1) the spot at which your last stroke was made under stroke and distance (see Rule 17.1d(1)) or (2) the back-on-the-line relief procedure (see Rule 17.1d(2)).

It will be great to get back on the course. Enjoy.

Course Update – 13 October

Thursday 13 October 5.30 pm

The course will be partially open on Friday with 16 holes in play. It will be walking only.

The 16th and 17th fairways are still too wet for play. After completeing the 15th hole walk straight to 18.

If the projected rain for Friday is light then I expect carts will be available for Saturday for members use.

If we have more rain than expected the use of carts for the weekend will be cancelled.

A decision will be made on Friday afternoon.

Geoff Reid has tree trouble

Course Update

Tuesday 11th October, 10.30 am

After an inspection this morning it is considered that the course is still in a state that would not allow golf.

It is hoped that with continued drying conditions the course could be re-opened for play on Friday without motorised carts and perhaps on Saturday with carts for members.

The course will remain closed for Wednesday and Thursday.

Our apologies to our members and guests for the disruption to our normal activities.