Additional News from the Course

Works on the 16th Hole – part 2

Apparently we are not the only place where machinary breaks down at inopportune times!

While bringing the equipment to the course today the pile driver needed to construct bore holes to stabilise the bank has broken down.

This means that work will be delayed 2 to 3 weeks while the spare part is sourced.

The course will play as normal during this time.

Notice will be given when the new routing is necessary.

Some News from the Match Committee, 29/1/2025.

With the fairways now in satisfactory condition it has been decided to revert to


  1. On the fairways only, relief can be taken from any bare patch at the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole.
  2. Bare patches in the rough – play it as it lies.
  3. Core holes on greens, full relief allowed, no nearer the hole, as these are considered abnormal course conditions. The coring was necessary to help the greens recover from the extreme heat over the Xmas period that affected parts of the greens. The staff are working on these areas and you may see some sanding and fertilising taking place.
  4. Tree Stumps are part of the course and no free relief is available.

2 thoughts on “Additional News from the Course

  1. Hi Dave, my question is that a couple of the greens have areas that are bare and rather uneven. Is there relief from this particular area of the green.
    Regards Al Jones

    1. The golf rule is that you don’t get relief from coring marks as this is a natural consequence of green maintenance.
      However if there are holes in the surface then that would be an abnormal green condition and relief would be possible.
      I’ll talk to the Captain about the issue.

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